Saturday 25 May 2013

It's Yet Another

It's Yet Another gloriously grey day
where clouds leave no room towards the end of May
for red or orange, yellow or blue
to shine or peek even a little bit through.
As the grey scudding vapour passes overhead high
what does it matter if the sun is not in the sky?

Life on a dull day is better than to die,
when light and dark, 
warmth and cold,
rain and sun,
will matter not.

At 10 o'clock in the morning
treat of a chocolate pudding
as a shopping 40% reduction in a glass jar
says to me aha
glides past my lips
down onto my hips
in a sweet brown slurp
promise not to burp.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Tax tales

November 2011 HMRC were contacted as tax code changes meant less income.  Having never had to do self-assessment, after many hours of angst, enquiry, letter writing and learning to understand how they'd calculated my high tax,  I eventually sussed out how and why they'd accounted for my State Pension when it was declared in France. They reprimanded me for not informing them that I receive one. I thought it was automatic but evidently not so. There is a clause that says the receiver of a State Pension must tell the HMRC.  In that case I asked, why hadn't they taxed me on the first 6 months of it?  This they didn't know!  By July 2012 all was amicably settled.  I received a new sensible coding and continue to pay UK tax on my Teachers' Pension with State Pension taxed in France.

Tax for expats in France has become an increasingly difficult issue as declaration forms have changed format and there is more than one.  It has been officially stated in a newspaper for expats and in National French press that different regions, departments, tax offices and individuals within tax offices are all interpreting tax directives differently.  People are being unnecessarily charged social charges etc.  Almost every year I've had a dispute regarding my personal French taxes especially since receiving two pensions.  Having settled the UK issue, I arranged to discuss the French tax issue before the end of 2012. After two meetings amounting to apx 3 hours in one to one discussion, computer spreadsheets and sums were re-calculated. My tax criteria seemed correct. Errors had not been completely of my making.

Today, I arrived at the office to verify my forms.  It seems I had been unwittingly misled on one element because the exemplaire given in December 2012 said for one box "Totale de 2 pensions" when it should only be one!!!  Forums for expats can be wonderful though one can't believe everything one hears or reads.  Not everyone gets the facts correct...not even me!!!! However, on one of these, are two respected individuals who give correct advice! I chose to follow forum advice rather than Tax office information.  I showed the gentleman, he that I saw in December 2012, and we are content, as the French say.  Whooppee!  I submitted my tax forms before the deadline.
This year is the first time in 7 years that a friend and I have both been correct on the first consultation.

We wait for our ticketed number to show on the illuminated sign.  I enter a consultation cubicle with a friend who needs linguistic support. The madame ignores the friend and immediately says quite firmly and unkindly to me that I should not be there.  Whoah... I wondered what I'd done to upset her?   Even my friend was surprised by her reaction.  Meanwhile, he has his forms checked. My property address was changed two years ago which necessitates a change of tax office in a different town!!!!   I know that!  Politely, but firmly, to match her tone and in fairly good or even perfect French I explained that I was allowed to verify my papers at her office, before proceeding to the next office NEXT year when all will hopefully be resolved and correct with my tax return.  WELL!!! ... up she gets and says that I must speak to the man I saw in December.  I am being careful not to mention names on this posting.  "Oui madame comme vous voulez!!!"  I am so glad to be transferred.  He arrives from a different room to his cubicle desk.  But before I leave her,  I shake her hand and tell her "Vous êtes trés gentil!!!"  *** From her gestures I could see that she didn't want to shake my hand with my arms full of papers and bags swept up to leave her as quickly as I could, but I intended to give her no choice!!!!!
It's very bizarre because this particular lady has been really kind and helpful in the 7 years of getting our tax returns correct, even one year annulling a payment. Every year, some change of circumstances has led to an alteration of which box to fill.  I am praying that I don't have complications from the next tax office 'cos if I do, you may hear a very loud scream!!!!!!!
P.S. *** In France always keep one's cool.  Never rage at anyone  and always be totally firm, polite and insistent, as charming as they are and tell them how kind they are,  during the altercation and at the end as one shakes their hand.  Always SMILE, no matter how grumpy they are. As a result I have had many re-imbursements and changes of goods when "they" did not wish to do this!!!! Sometimes though, we/ I have been fobbed off onto another person, given the phone number of a different department etc and got rid of and then we've had to laugh about how clever they are to give wrong information and lead us in circles.
My friend was once going to be charged 18,000 euros with huissier fees but we eventually got round all of that because bureaucracy was incorrect!!! Most probably a misunderstanding of culture, language and know-how.     All's well that ends well ... I hope.........