Monday 12 November 2012

Phases of renovation for my very own French house

Phase One - 1st May until 1st July 2010 - an enormous amount of emptying, taking apart, destroying, disposing, burning, correction and constructing was achieved in madness and mayhem.  My friend, my son and I tackled all that by ourselves accompanied by physical, mental and emotional breakdown.  Unrealistic, over-ambitious, grand ideas, with long hours and labour-intensive days were part and parcel of those two months. Survive or die!
Phase Two - July and August 2010 - escape to UK friends and family, tears but no sweat.... I holed up inside my property with severe sadness, loss, bereavement and depression. Negativity had to be swapped for Positivity. Unsuccessful. Despair had to be swapped for Hope.  I tried.  Making plans and doing research was meant to happen but thoughts took me to other places.
Phase Three - September 2010 to June 4th 2011- my friend and I tackled the reconstruction and redecoration of three rooms but in November and March I headed back to UK.  I obeyed instructions, learnt how much I could weep, learnt that fun could be summoned, learnt to keep to the regime being imposed upon me and which was GOOD for me, learnt to work hard and know that I can do it with a little help from some friends and a kick up the rear.
Phase Four - July 2011- escape to UK friends and family and then to Greece.
Phase Five - August 2011 to October 2011 - escape to Nimes and Arles then cycling, walking, swimming, exploring my village, attempting research for the plans for my property!  Sounds grand! November - escape to UK and return with flu like symptoms.  I decided not to take any more tablets for depression which had beset me on and off probably for all my life. Now is not the time to explain as it would be self-indulgent!
Phase Six - November 2011 to June 2012 - the drainage problem is revealed and we solve the problem after much digging!  Work started for a bathroom in a newly created bare room. It developed and like a butterfly it emerged to be a truly beautiful room. Bathrooms should be a joy!
Phase Seven - June and July 2012 - escape to UK friends and family, enjoy my son's wedding and have birthday beach parties.  August to November - time to consolidate, research, plan again for a roof repair that got cancelled, escape to Brittany, relax, become lazy and help a friend.
Phase Eight  - November 2012 - the start of bedroom flooring, door / window insulation of two rooms.
Future phases to further phase me include
1. roofs
2. kitchen
3. budgeting
4. sort, dispose and declutter LIFELONG STUFF - a VAST project occupying my attic and soul ... boxes of uncatalogued photos, craft materials, kitchenware, antique kitchen ware, lovely things that have nowhere to be displayed, beautiful things I have no need of anymore, books, sheet music, vinyl records to convert to CDs and so the list goes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just the tip of the iceberg. I still have my marbles which roll about a bit, but I do have good health and they say that is all that matters until the day we disappear! Ha!

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