Saturday, 18 May 2019

Singing further South

I found an article about a Singing and Yoga group with Meditation... so I booked it being desperate for a new adventure. I didn't have time to ponder or plan.  The one day course was led by lovely, caring, professional people. The food was excellent. The wind was cold as it blew across the lake in the pine forests east of Limoges.  I stayed one night, as in my slow car it was about a four hour journey. Feeling like Toad on the Road, amazed by views of beauty, I tried to keep to slower routes.... yet with cattle to slow us further!
There were huge rocks in the Parc Naturel Regional de Millevaches en Limousin - La Rigole du Diable.
On the return route - a different route - I was aiming to visit another plus beau village de france.. but abandoned when I desperately needed petrol. Nothing lost as at that time of night it was more desolate than my own village.  Sunset before I entered home and my village, was a gift.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Inspirational Art in Nature

Inspirational Art in Nature
Deformities in Nature can be amusing.
It was thus when I found in my supermarket bought bunch of carrots, a forked carrot which was akin to the legs of a ballerina.  I decided!

It was May 10th - one of the first warm evenings.
There began convivial after work bar chats with people I know in the village.

The artist had returned. He has 'a certain sense of humour', which often dominates conversations depending on his artistic mood!  Villagers have tricked or teased him about his 'often used language.'
Within seconds of being invited to group camaraderie  - SNAP - a gift for the artist.
To the garden for a beautiful David Austin rose. To a drawer for a ribbon. To the camera.
I had created botanical art.
He really liked it.
It was fun to cause laughter and happiness in the local community.
It smelled delicious.

Friday, 10 May 2019

An evening meal for a Workaway guest

May 9th 2019
and the Spring gardening work she and I did leaving the self seeded PAVOT -
a large Oriental Red Poppy which I mowed around in the lawn too.
I wasn't going to dig the potager this year but hey, it happened and maybe it is good for morale.
I am grateful that I can afford to pay the gardener to help especially when last year I couldn't push the mower. This year is better though not 100%. It takes away physical stress.