I didn't fancy making a NOVELTY Cake or even a Party Cake when the theme became modified. So I made a pun of it! The first tea cake I made was a disaster and me thinks I binned the photo. I made a layered sponge with Japanese Green Tea powder. The oven wasn't on the HOT mode that it usually is and anything on the dial below that is very unreliable, so in actual fact the thin layers of sponge were not baked and when cold were nasty grey, and decidedly rubbery. Ooh and that was a six egg mixture! Following that disaster, whilst others were in the kitchen sanding down the walls etc and whilst the contents of the room were in my Grand Salon and the only kitchen sink providing accessible cold water was in the outhouse, (laundry room inaccessible due to workmen in the kitchen as aforesaid creating dust!) I attempted to follow an Earl Grey Tea cake internet recipe. It was OK but very dry... I didn't follow the icing part exactly as I was pressed (an understatement) and did not sandwich the cake with something moist. I noticed it didn't have any yummy factor with the tasters and I took 3/4 of it home! (it increased its flavour after a few days and made a great scone with jam and cream!)
At the Clandestine Cake Club each cake DOES have to be presented before anyone uses a knife, so I displayed the NOVEL about Living in France "Bon Courage" ('cos I needed it) with a PLUS symbol followed by the Chocolate and Lavender iced Earl Grey Tea Cake on the stand... and hey ho we had a "NOVEL TEA CAKE!!" I obviously need to emphasise the pun!!!
Best to go here if you wish to see pics of all the other wonderful Novelty and Party Cakes and to read a very good and funny report of the event!
These are some of my better photos:
I loved the stories behind the makings and designs of all the cakes: 2CV, Pina Colada Cup Cake as well as the animal cakes (hedgehog, dog, fish, butterfly, caterpillar), not to mention the French themed Honeymoon influenced Eiffel Cake complete with Champagne tops! The speakers, the bakers grow in confidence in telling a tale!