I've been exhausted from my involvement with stripping out a kitchen aged 30 years. Since the start of June a friend recycled, repaired, repainted most of the kitchen units for the Laundry room. I emptied the rooms and had to reorganise the contents so that I could have workable kitchen space in the living room.
The kitchen room has had two new plasterboarded walls and many layers of paint on all surfaces exceot the floor!
Soon I shall provide comparative photos. I am extremely happy with both rooms.
The best fun time was a short break in July, camping and cycling whilst he looked for a liveaboard boat to buy.
The next best time was seeing cupboards and a dishwasher installed in the Laundry Room. Better than washing in cold water in the outhouse sink whilst waiting for the electric kettle to heat water and walking back and forth with dirty, wet, clean and dry crockery, cutlery, pots and pans in buckets!
There were jolly moments in long hours of hard work. One has to laugh at Life!
Best times were appreciating someone who starts work at 8, who is motivated to not flinch until the task was achieved to the satisfaction of a high, high standard despite his own exhaustion levels.
Bad times were me feeling exhausted, depressed, deprived of solitary time, all the while telling myself that I would only feel more lonely and sad when the helper had left. One can feel lonely even in the company of others.
Worst times were spent with bizarre emotional buttons being triggered, pushed and pulled and me wondering why, how it happened and what had I done right or wrong!! Three months passed quickly by!
Having returned from two weeks on the English highways visiting three cousins and a friend plus going on a two day art course I am shattered. I KNOW that. I know I am re-adjusting to living alone!
I spent a week in between sleeping, crying, aching, yearning, cleaning, re-organising and packing. Packing too much again! I must pack that in! I must just take a backpack! There was art stuff which I didn't need to have taken, and wine as gifts to appreciate 'herbergement', and winter clothing and shoes and coats, but mostly I stayed in summer clothes layered with a winter jumper and a favourite shawl. I slept so well everywhere without waking in the middle of the nights. Everyone was so lovely. People generally are!
In all I drove 1100 miles and 400 I think it was to Bordeaux and back the week before!
However, I must get a car with GPS or a phone with GPS as I spent an hour and a half driving up and down and around and around the outskirts of Dieppe before I found a public place in darkest rural France where I could ask HUMAN BEINGS the direction. Eventually at midnight Hotel Kyriade was discovered behind the road I'd been up and down at least six times the night before. It was so, so, so comfy that I slept for nine hours.
Back home, after another pair of driving glasses had been lost en route, I had a fabulous meal with friends at the closing of the lovely Auberge with traditional seasonal menus! Ending of an era!
I'd left the spectacles on a meal tray .. yes it was my fault .. and when I returned the tray was there with plates etc but NOT the glasses... so some ******* had stolen them... not even given them to the PAUL restaurant or the cash desk at The Aire of 'Les dentelles d'Alençon'. I made a big song and dance about the fact that someone had taken them ... There were plenty of Brits and French in the seated area! The spectacles were GUCCI and 20 or 30 years old!!! Ggggrrrrrr!
The following day as well as all the unpacking I managed two or three hours mowing. The next day three hours of courtyard weeding / re-organising garden pots etc, plus two to three hours more of mowing in order to have it done before the rains came! So it is no wonder I am tired. THIS IS SOUNDING LIKE A DIARY ENTRY!
Quite honestly, I don't mind revealing daily dramas but the summer of 2015 passed me by and now 'tis Autumn with just a few more dramas to be solved before the end of the year!
Quite honestly it was good to be away from the computer!