Tuesday 20 March 2012

A chance encounter

I was on my way to town when I noticed a vehicle not well parked on the country lane.  Soon afterwards, I drove past a couple walking towards the town on the wrong side of the road. I tutted and tutted again when in my mirror I saw they were carrying a baby.  Putting two and two together I reversed my car to see if they required a lift. Their car had oil problems. They said we could speak English but eventually we reverted to French. I dropped them in the centre of the town as requested and proceeded to my medical appointment.  Parking the car I noticed two bags the same colour on the back seat: oh dear! I returned but could not find the family so hoped that they would come to where they knew I had an appointment. And they did! There they were when I'd finished my appointment. Such relief! I would have hated to look in the bag for evidence of who they were and where they lived.  Their house keys were in the bag! Charmingly, they invited me to eat "pie".  I accepted graciously and interpreted this as "tea and cake" which it was!  They took me to their home; well, I drove them home, for it was quite a walk uphill, but not far. They served Romanian pumpkin pie and herbal tea.  He, a medical practitioner and she with a 7 month baby boy told me how in last year's move and pregnancy she could not take her final exam which she hopes to take this year.  Such a wonderfully happy family, attractive in appearance and manner.  The bubbly, young lady was amused by her explanation of the circumstances that had brought about this chance encounter. We shared laughter when the child heard the name of a cat and looked for it and liked to have his feet tickled! We shared stories about lost items and the honesty of people in this region. They've lived in a variety of places in France and like me they are immigrants to France.  I learned that "cité" has not always the same definition as "city", a large town, but that it really DOES also mean an agglomeration or housing estate.  Up until now I'd always thought it was a disparaging, descriptive joke about suburban social housing estates popping up around the edges of towns and villages.  After an hour it was time to leave and I decided to throw caution to the wind and share my address.

They showed me a minute, amber bracelet for the baby to wear to help protect against teething troubles! I showed off my amber ear-rings and said that my teeth were good!  I'm not sure that I believe stones can heal but a long time ago a friend of mind really believed this and had many huge valuable crystals and stones about the house!  Sadly, her obsessions brought her tragedy. Every April 1st and sometimes in between she is remembered.

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