Thursday 23 October 2014


I like to go to the cinema and a few weeks ago I saw "Lucy" in French without sous-titres!
Lucy was a fun, light-hearted film, unlike ‘Under the Skin’, which is one of my favourite films. The visual effects were wonderful and like Under the Skin uses an eye motif within the film. It was an entertaining evening!
Young French adolescents arriving late in the cinema were particularly annoying with their mobiles flashing with light as a distraction to us oldies, whilst receiving phone calls, taking pics of the screen, and greeting friends in true French style, cheek to cheek!  Five later arrivals greeted five who were restlessly already present! Eventually, un homme called "ArrĂȘte". The ten snuggled down in their seats and we heard no more from their popcorn-eating antics until they all laughed out loud at an animal mating scene!!!!
 “Lucy” was released in 2014. It is a French science fiction film written and directed by Luc Besson. The film was shot in Taipei, Paris and New York. Starring Scarlett Johansson, other stars were taken from cultures across the world. Johansson portrays a woman who gains psycho-kinetic abilities from a drug absorbed into the bloodstream. As a drug mule she saves the planet from destruction by destroying three other drug mules and in turn she is destroyed and scattered everywhere.
An animated film version of Lucy Australopithecusin was used in the film to connect to the dawn of Man sequence from 2001: A Space Odyssey."  For more information go to 

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