Showing posts with label Personality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personality. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Words are what we are

This is tongue-in-cheek. 
A verbal selfie! 
The modern equivalent is probably "LOL"... does that mean Lots of Love or Lots of Laughter? 
It doesn't really matter! Here we are ust trying to lift spirits and laugh at preposterousness!

A dear good friend described me as formidable... But in which sense or all?
1. Arousing fear, dread, or alarm.
2. Inspiring awe, admiration, or wonder.
3. Difficult to undertake, surmount, or defeat.
-  from Middle English, Old French, Latin formīdābilis, from formīdāre, from formīdō, fear.
Several weeks ago, the same friend described me as enigmatic which I've heard on many an occasion from a number of people, usually of the opposite gender, and have always considered it a compliment and laughed.  I don't understand who I am so how do other people have such an insight?
And so...
ɛnɪɡˈmatɪk/enigmatic: an adjective meaning difficult to interpret or understand!
A Greek and Latin form of being non-conformist.
Synonyms would be: mysterious, puzzling, hard to understand, mystifying, inexplicable, baffling, perplexing, bewildering, confusing, impenetrable, inscrutable, incomprehensible, unexplainable, unfathomable, indecipherable, Delphic, oracular.
Am I all of those?  Oh dear!  I have often wished I could be more straightforward as the recommended antonym suggests!!!  Whoever I am, it seems, has created difficulties in my ability to form and maintain friendships. But I gather I am certainly not alone in that respect!  I am not a social outcast. I enjoy the company of people.  However, it is true I don't suffer fools gladly!  It was a reason given to me during an interview de-briefing, why I wasn't successful! Hm!! I think it was a polite way of telling me not to bother attempting to climb above my station!