Saturday 5 November 2011

September 2010

In September 2010 I started to try to think differently, to take one step at a time - 'pas a pas'.
I found a quote in Labyrinth by Kate Mosse. which seemed to identify purpose.   
As I can't locate the quote I'll have to read the book again and when it is found I will post it here!

I began to enjoy 'le chaleur' et l'ombre' - the heat and the shade in different parts of the house and garden - at least 29 degrees celsius. It makes me feel HUMAN and NORMAL.  I watch the harvest coming in and see the bare, exposed fields with the crows or rooks cawing cavernously, making me nervous about Winter.  

Restless in France was having to think positively and optimistically for Autumn was yet to come and she who loves colours, smells, mists and moistiness enjoys October.  She has a lot to plan even when planning makes little difference. 

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