Tuesday 29 September 2015

Wendy Ann 2

I hope my son does not mind me publishing a pic of his home. When I deviated from my journey to make an intangible connection with my son, knowing he would not be there, I took a photo of his boat.  He and his wife live aboard this steel vessel called Wendy Ann 2.  I don't know how they managed without a shower or bath for over or about five years. When the generator packed in there was no electricity!
They are both phenomenal and if you'd seen this boat as a wreck, like many others you would have said they will never achieve their GOAL... but they have and are seemingly happy.
I am very pleased to know that they now have paid employment and are project managing and more for a construction company.  I understand that he is doing carpentry, making tables and recently made a fantail for a windmill! BRILLIANT. AWESOME! He can do welding and make almost anything out of new and recycled materials. His wife sadly had to close her livery as the premises got sold for housing development.  It was devastating just when the business was making even after five years hard labour and I mean hard.  The local community fought the proposals but lost. A sad day for stables, horses and green spaces in Epsom. How lucky she was to have her dream and I expect that one day she will do so again!

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