Tuesday, 23 June 2020


Monday 22 June
Midsummer has passed and now days draw in!!!!!!!

I've been so busy that posting for my little blog fell off the priority list...

I will update and postdate at some point, not that there is much to tell... mainly food and flowers!

Today has been hothothot after what colder weather with intermittent rain in the last two weeks spoiling opportunity to control the garden.  The wind or breeze brought flies, maggots, cherries,    adventure, social interaction, learning and exhaustion into the days when even the woodburner had to be lit.

I hope to keep on track on various projects, those not being done need energy,  motivation,  will,  and time.  A number of PRIORITY ISSUES MUST get solved or at least progressed to next stage.

I have really enjoyed the lockdown.   I am happy.

I have systems in place  in the car, house, baskets and bags with various masks, soapy water sprays,  towels, as well as,  identity attestations in case we have to use them again.

I was getting a bit lax on sunny days, leaving the house without a mask, then having to retreat for it as there were people in the village streets!!!!!!  Quel horreur!!!!!!!!!    So must get more disciplined...
I don't care what anyone thinks.  I shall wear masks despite some inconvenience.  I rather like the mystery of it all!!!!!!  Though colours, fabrics, head / ear elastic could be better!!!!!!!
Pleated Masks seem to be the better ones.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Phase 2 Week 1 Day 1 : 2 June 2020

Yesterday it took three hours to mow the grass behind my house.
Today it took 2h 45 to mow the other land  help clear edges, prune roadside untidiness, scrape moss from concrete in the front area, reveal the hidden waterboard access cover,  collect deadwood that the gardener had cut from shrubs after he had strimmed edges.  He did two hours work.
It all looks neat and tidy!  
I am convinced that I heard humming under the in-flower lime tree... it could be bees ... I hope not Asian hornets as the vast nest is still hanging high at the top, hidden by leaves from human eyes.  It is true that the landscape gardener for the village said it was too late in January to destroy it and the wind would but I think the latter will take some while!!!!! Hornets are excellent builders.

Watering the garden with the hose pumped from the rain stored in a cistern beneath part of my property,  it never touches more than wetting the surface of the soil, which when I dig up two dying brussels sprout plantlings, it isn't surprising that they have been struggling from thirst and sunstroke! !!!!!  They are now in smaller pots with their feet in some water overnight and a partial shelter over them... Let's see if they can survive!!!!!!

We all have to do our best to survive . We owe it to ourselves whatever we have to agree to for Peace in our Lives.  BLESS US ALL.

Monday, 1 June 2020

DAY 77 / 22: Eleven weeks of counted days.

Eleven weeks ago we entered uncertainty.
Today the inevitability of Life's uncertainty continues, but mostly, I feel more at Peace with Gratitude for Life, Gratitude even for Dreams Unfulfilled. Gratitude for being here.

TOMORROW  2 June 2020
In France we will continue to have, with regard to the coronavirus infection, not only advisory, but mandatory  / compulsory / obligatory rules although some have changed.  For all of that,  I am glad.

Mandatory - to command.
Compulsory - to compel.
Obligatory - to oblige.

They all can mean “required by a law or a rule".

My change of 6 euros was disinfected and i was advised to spray hands after touching money. The ice-cream in a plastic cup with a plastic "theatre or cinema" spoon was a scoop of caramel and a scoop of chocolate,  because I could. It was a dream whilst I sat in the square alone at almost 5h30.  There was traffic and people going home. Swallows swooping. Sounds to hear, unlike the peace of my garden. No tables or chairs in La Place.  No one else. Just me!  I can be me.