Yesterday it took three hours to mow the grass behind my house.
Today it took 2h 45 to mow the other land help clear edges, prune roadside untidiness, scrape moss from concrete in the front area, reveal the hidden waterboard access cover, collect deadwood that the gardener had cut from shrubs after he had strimmed edges. He did two hours work.
It all looks neat and tidy!
I am convinced that I heard humming under the in-flower lime tree... it could be bees ... I hope not Asian hornets as the vast nest is still hanging high at the top, hidden by leaves from human eyes. It is true that the landscape gardener for the village said it was too late in January to destroy it and the wind would but I think the latter will take some while!!!!! Hornets are excellent builders.
Watering the garden with the hose pumped from the rain stored in a cistern beneath part of my property, it never touches more than wetting the surface of the soil, which when I dig up two dying brussels sprout plantlings, it isn't surprising that they have been struggling from thirst and sunstroke! !!!!! They are now in smaller pots with their feet in some water overnight and a partial shelter over them... Let's see if they can survive!!!!!!
We all have to do our best to survive . We owe it to ourselves whatever we have to agree to for Peace in our Lives. BLESS US ALL.
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