I understood much more as to how tax figures are calculated but now I must go to the Bank and ask them to explain other calculations! It is complicated living in another country and having to learn so much, but inevitably it must keep the brain active!
Now, five green bottles standing in a row were placed upon my table after I'd ordered a 'Croque Saumon avec graines de cumin et Salade et Tomates". In response to my asking for a glass of red, Fred starts to tell me the choice, gives up before he has started to speak, brings the large "ardoise" (blackboard), gives up quickly again, then brings a choice to the table!!!!!!! It's all very fast, furious and fun in his cafe-bar where he has no kitchen but telephones to the charcutiere one's order! I choose the central bottle because it is almost empty. I only have a small glass!!!! The food arrives with a flourish and he asks what it is in English. I say a toasted sandwich. A lady client amuses me as she tries to say "toasting sandvich". I meet my hairdresser and then a lady from my pottery class dining with her husband. We speak English, because he is, and now I was on my way to the next venue.
It was to "La Gourmandine" restaurant where there was an Independent Financial Adviser company presentation to us British Nationals living in France. I learn one or two useful facts. One is that I am poor but not as poor as some. However, I try to take no notice for I have other riches! Afterwards we are presented with Kir Royale and mise en bouches. There were small glasses of cold pea soup which was deeeeeeelicious, morue with waffle biscuits on tiny wooden platters, other savoury morsels, French honey cake and strange sweet nibbles with coffee! A bizaare 4pm gouter!
It is a joy to meet French people and hear their remarkable stories!
I don't often praise myself but today I have been called "adorable" by one lady, then by another praised for my shape in the diet foods aisle, whilst discussing the merits of BIO biscuits containing sunflower, sesame and lin seeds....as a potentially nourishing biscuit to give my grand-daughter and prise her away from "rubbishy snack foods". My daughter is having a terrible time trying to get the little one to eat properly!!!!!! They will be with me soon just for 3 full days.
Yes, today I felt positive. Happy to be out and about in "April showers" and sunshine, with movement and colourful people, but dismayed at the emptying of the wallet and purse!!!!!!