Last Thursday was a push as was
This Thursday!
I started to find it difficult to wake before eight so 'twas eight thirty after breakfast,
before work commenced. Then they started yawning... but "onwards... keep up"... the hard-task-mistress said!
Wii painted back of staircase risers a choice of colours and eventually 'first thoughts' won - to use F&B 'Elephant's Breath'... which turned out to be more mushroom than grey! BUT done it is!
Wiii and I made a start on sorting music and books that were mine and not mine.
The piano music was easy to do.. I shed a tear hear and there! But boxes of recorder music etc remain unopened with a label of what I must do with them.
We started on the books that were mainly fiction. I'm tempted to count how many but that would be OCD! I sorted information books last September but a few more were discovered. Some books were assigned to the pile to be read or read again as supplies have run out! ... and some are being kept because they hold sentiment and define who I am... Some were designated to 'charity shop' boxes for anyone with a vehicle to take to uk! Others were 'bundled' by author or style and are ready for Day One of the 'Book Festival'. Others are designated for ebay sales, but initially will try to be sold at 'book festival'. Others are worthy of ebay sales! That is PLAN A.
We continued on Monday and Tuesday as more books were found in the car boot sale STUFF spewing over the attic floor, all of which was sorted item by item, designating some for Emmaus, some for 'the hole in the ground'. The surplus was organised not by price as I had done before but labelled as DIY/Renovation or HOUSEHOLD or CHILDREN's or CRAFTS or CLOTHES...It was one way to do it and made sense to me!
The highlight of Thursday was the hot, hot weather and a four hour canoe event with me sitting as the Queen guarding the picnic and valuables whilst my dutiful servants rowed up stream and down! They wanted to! We all loved it!
It took Wii five hours to paint all of back staircase two coats of top coat whilst we were in the attic ...and then an hour to
clear the site! I had to 'be behind' so to speak, to clean to
my satisfaction as there were drips of paint on woodwork and tiling... done it is.
Wiii negotiated cancellation of extra hours to cover travel costs. I accepted a small financial payment.
I discussed the same subject with Wii who was unwilling to pay for that service in any kind!! To Wii I gave four hours travel and two distances of petrol costs without an exchange!
Friday evening, I reluctantly drove to a music gig for 'Les Heures Vagabonds'... and once I got there, I enjoyed wandering around town, feeling the ambiance, listening to not good singing but ok piano, observing those who watched the performers without a beer in their hands and Brits around the bar!!!!!! and felt that I was being a good host.
We were invited for morning coffee but declined to accompany them to a chateau... we had planned to cycle a circular route which took us two hours. This was our second spree on wheels. I'd doubled the distance because it suited me! It has been wonderful to see my village and surrounding area as if I was a guest! It was also a baking day, teaching them how to make savoury bread, pear tarte tatin, make jam and cook Lasagne! Whirling dervishes in the kitchen!
After a sort of lie-in and Lasagne leftovers for lunch, we cycled to the premiere of a medieval fete outside of my village. However, we arrived in the French lunch hour when nothing was happening! It seems silly to me that punters cannot purchase at unmanned stalls! Still, harmonious and tranquil besides! We rested with aperos before wandering and cycling home where we all had an afternoon nap! We were invited to an evening meal for six pm start... then proceeded to another friend's garden down by the river for the spectacular fireworks event... (must learn how to take photos instead of clicking happily!) I was disinclined to go to the fairground with little kiddies and those who were taller than me, but rallied enthusiasm... THEN, quel horreur, they were invited back to the friends' for drinks and although I didn't wish to, I decided it would be better if I went so I could get them home not too late! (HELP!!! I don't need to be acting like a parent or someone in authority but this developed following the similar experience two weeks ago!) "TIME", I called several times. I left at three in the morning... arrived home less than ten minutes later and started wringing my hands...and phoned twice to see if they had left. At 3h20 I was cross! Understatement! I couldn't turn off lights nor secure gates to potential intruders which would be a most unlikely event... but anxiety won and I was certainly displeased when I noted the winding action as they arrived at my gates. Unusually, street lights were left on past 23h! I need my sleep at my age, knowing that I had to travel at 8 am to get Wii to his train! A bear with a sore head springs to mind! Maybe I over-grumbled that morning! Eventually, there were apologies all round and from myself too!
I must learn to let go!
Monday and Tuesday
Displaced hours and energy levels collided but Wiii achieved conquering my belongings into an order that I know now I can continue with. Looking at it won't strangulate me! Of course, it will take time over time but I feel that I will be able to chip at the mountain of boxes! It has to be my business to get it done! I am grounded with the cat and my stuff! Wiii demonstrated how to cook an excellent goat curry and the host demonstrated how to cook duck breast in the French manner...the latter was supposed to be for three, but hey ho two ate it all! On the last day of shared Workawaying Three ladies, C, L, E, newly formed friends, indulged in an English cream tea at The English Tea Shop in the shade of parasols sheltered from hot sunshine. Thereafter followed wistful farewells.
After another journey to Poitiers train station I did domestics and dishes to make the house look presentable for visitors who wished to admire progress. Then I slept like a baby ... and the next day too! and so did Baby Big Feet!
I know when I am tired because I begin to binge eat, drink copious quantities of tea, my legs ache, the body aches. I know fibromyalgia, old age and physical tiredness have won! I have been 'going at it' for what seems to be since February, helping others and helping myself. It has been a fantastic, progressive, productive year so far!
Never underestimate WORK! It has to be the Way of Life and what on earth would anyone do if there was none? I have no intention of being lazy or bored but sleep I must have!
Heading into the depths of
August, whilst still feeling the heat of
Summer, one is confronted with cold mornings and evenings with moisture on the grass. It feels Autumnal but sunflowers are still aglow in the fields. Yesterday and today rain prevented bedlinen reaching the great outdoors!
Onwards indeed, I have so much to do after sleeping, before the next WORK and the next GUESTS and the next HOLIDAY! Change is as good as a rest! Meanwhile, that lawn is growing greener!