Saturday 8 August 2015
This was an extension of a walk I know up to The Witches Rock, Le Roc a Midi, return to the footpath, turn right towards the road. Turn right instead of left at the road. At the stone crucifix we did not choose left or right but headed straight on over the field to the water's edge to proceed left with no pedestrian track. Without maps, I realised we were walking on the opposite side of the river to the original site of the sculptural 'roc auc sorciers'. It was difficult to identify Doux through the trees but interesting to see from this side. We came to the Confluence of the Gartempe and Anglin rivers.
I wished to walk further along the river but was unsettled by the proximity of a road with fast flowing traffic. I was confident of the direction of the village but the sun was hidden. With woodland to traverse, we crossed the field to the track. No cattle in the fields! Then we walked parallel to the river returning to the stone crucifix but instead of turning right to retrace our steps we headed straight on. This follows the curve of the river to "Le Moulin de Remerle". I vaguely remember being on this side of the river a decade ago having walked to this point exactly by the water's edge from the bridge.
At home, studying the map, I understood my disorientation because the River Anglin
meanders, forming a loop, before it meets the waters that it flows into.
It was an enjoyable few hours mostly held without discussion between two people. I love walking alone. I love company. This was a happy balance.
How annoying! I just wrote an elegant phrasal expression about reflections as to what I have learned and it has become deleted because I pressed the wrong button after I'd made it italic ! gggrrrrr! Maybe just as well!
without zoom |
This plant has holly type leaves.. I know not its name. |
This artform 'sculpture' worthy of any title by Richard Long, might have been made by a beaver or a coypu but as it was so symmetrically curved that maybe it was carved by a person. Behind it is the tree that it came from or another felled by wind or man! I very much liked this natural artistic installation!
The confluence of two rivers. |
The River Anglin meets La Gartempe |
Across the other side of the river, low at this time of year, is a place where I often stand after walking along the D6, down The American Way to the water's edge, then along the track to the Moulin de Remerle, a place where kingfishers play!
Keep to the riverbank and one arrives at the 14th century Hosannah Cross in the cemetery.
At the bridge we wondered what was best to do after an almost two hour walk. Pancakes at home! Given the hour we had an earlyish supper: cold lamb and leftover salad vegetables, oat biscuits and runny cheese, pancake with apricot conserve that couldn't achieve the temperature to make jam! Coffee after wine. I felt relaxed at last. Tensions had been displaced for another while. A rest day had ensued.
The morning had been entertaining two guests who we met the previous Friday evening. It is unusual for me to a) sit at anyone else's table... I only did so as we were departing to help translate the mystifying APERTIVO menu...and felt rapport! hence b) I invited them to morning coffee at 24 at 10h30 but they came an hour earlier bearing croissants and stayed for coffee and tea leaving at well after noon. Nice people, but I wish that someone would not dismiss one of the couple with thoughts about their faults and social weaknesses whilst praising the other half of the couple! None of us are perfect. I know it is something I learned to do from him or others and have been trying to shed such negativity. In my opinion, it is better to try to see beyond any niggles we might have about for example how much anyone else talks or if they have what might be what was described as an irritating habit of smiling a lot!