Thursday, 14 May 2020

Day 59/4: Déconfinement - La Malvoisine Post 3 of 4

The disappearance of La Malvoisine 

It's almost as if it hasn't existed, apart from a few flattened grasses, shifted stones, rocks and soil. The chemin through the woodland was relatively damp to walk along and almost dry by about 11 in the morning- not many puddles to avoid.
The garden near the chateau has to rebuild the small containment wall.

flattened grasses

The culvert opposite the bocage.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Day 58/3: Déconfinement - La Malvoisine Post 2 of 4

La Malvoisine in photos from La Bocage to Les Combes.
From the 'paysage du bocage'  the water exits the prairir under the road to woodland.

The stream emerges from the woodland at Les Combes

Then La Malvoisine disappears underground, under the road of the Centre d'Interpretation de le Roc aux Sorciers, before re-appearing in a channel in the garden of a house, progressing on its descent to the River.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Day 56: Lockdown in France / Day 1 and 2 Déconfinement - La Malvoisine Post 1 of 4

Day 56: 11 May 2020
An end to Lockdown in France as we enter Day 1 Déconfinement and Partial Lockdown.

DAY 56: 11 May 2020: The Malvoisine decided to make comment.  Satisfied, she returned to bubbling & babbling at her source on Day 2: Déconfinement 12 May 2020.

Excitement was high yesterday, 11 May 2020, as I walked to the river late afternoon as the wind on the top road was too strong to walk against.  BUT, if I'd walked to the river at 9h I would have seen a greater flood.   
It's such a rare sight.  The last time was 1982.

Yesterday I spoke to several French villagers who in 20 years had never seen it and second home owners arriving from the local region into the village yesterday, knew nothing about its existence. 

Today, 12 May, I walked the course of La Malvoisine.  I was interested and curious to discover its source the day after the waters diminished as fast as it had grown!  I reasoned that today would be ideal to see if the bubbling from the ground could be found.  I was as excited as a small child to show my friend yesterday's photos and show her the route and what happened.   As teachers we had fun in our playtime of discovery learning.  I was glad she was willing to participate in the mad idea of searching for its source.  I needed courage.
To the left of the road passing the valley and La Malvoisine heading towards the chateau.
The Malvoisine

I think the flood stream must be a kind neighbour as it shows when limestone water capacity is full.
This video describes the last flood of 1982:

Here is my translation with additions.

The route of the stream makes a pleasant dry walk through woodland at the base of a valley called 'Les Combes".   I love to walk through here on summer days with sunlight blinking through the leaves or when snow lies on the undergrowth and branches of the trees.
However, the fickle malvoisine shows up on rare occasions with impetuous floods that alternate with dry periods, hence the flow rate is variable.   Often, despite rainfall, the Malvoisine starts to recede, in that,  it stays quietly in its bed and bocage before ever reaching Les Combes - the valley before the cliffs.  It is a geographical phenomena.
It is an intermittent stream, which appears suddenly and severely without warning in a very small space of time, every 5 to 15 or so years.  The appearance of groundwater in flood mode may appear a little later than the strong rainfall that feeds it.. i.e. a day or two later.
The course of the groundwater is tortuous. It twists and winds to follow the fracture of the limestone massif and the inclination of the strata.
Initially, there is a progressive saturation of the cracks in the rock: this is the phase of concentration.
In a second phase, water invades the ducts.  This is the phase of climax that lasts until the rainfall feeding it ceases.   Then comes a slow decline which corresponds to the emptying of the major ducts.
In heavy rain, often in spring, the water will rise from its source, marked by a stone wall in a bank against the wheat field within a natural copse.  It fills its bed, 'le lit', and flows into a flat meadow, 'un prairie,' which left fallow acts as 'un bocage' as a mixture of wooded land and pasture.  This smallish dry / wet field is contained at the side of the road, lower than the road, surrounded by hedgerows, trees and stone walls.  When the flood water escapes into the woodland (bocage) on more lower ground on the opposite side of the narrow road, it has had to pass through arch culverts, deliberately constructed and kept free of natural growth for this purpose.
The water leaves the spread of wooded area.  It is channelled on its descent along 'le chemin' which has one metre or more banks with dry stone walls.  Clearly these were man made to contain the direction of the water.  This chemin / footpath is known locally as 'La Malvoisine'.  It flows along its course along the road adjacent to the chateau, which eventually descends to the River Anglin at the bridge.
Look closely.  You can see the culvert, which carries the stream under the road from higher ground, ejecting into the river.

Part 1 - `A walk of discovery

Above is the first view... when as I walked the S curve of the road descending to the river, but before meeting the chateau on my left,  I heard water and could not believe my eyes as I retraced my steps to see the empty channel which passes through a garden over full with La Malvoisine.   I raced home for the camera. 
3. Cross the road and look to the right
4.   5. Look back and the culvert beneath the bridge supporting the road is full.
6.  The small picnic area is flooded inside and out.

7.  8.  This is a reduced Malvoisine as it was at its height 6 or 7 hours earlier.




Deflecting the water from entering the property

15. 16 On the bridge looking right and left

17. The Culvert discharging at force.

La Malvoisine ends its journey on the towpath before entering L'Anglin

 Tomorrow more photos of the Malvoisine from Le Bocage to Les Combes.

On Wednesday 13 May, late in the evening I received this VIDEO BONUS.  I am  grateful to my Tourist Office friend, the photographer and Le Mairie:

Monday, 11 May 2020

Day 56: Lockdown Release in France - A Rainbow of HOPE

On 10 December 2019, at about 16h30 French time, driving back from the garage where I was trying to transfer registration number of my newly purchased Kangoo into my name,  I entered Angles, stunned to see a double rainbow photo shoot.
Quick, before the storm arrived, before light refraction ended. Light was poor, but magic strong.  As I parked on the dangerous bend and walked towards the village I realised that with the law of light, the position of the rainbow could be made to visually reach the church.


Sunday, 10 May 2020

Day 55: Lockdown in France - Pain but I don't mean Bread

The left wrist has decided in the last few days to be sprained again with much pain ... so restrictions abound as the thing that happens inside my wrist feels like muscles, ligaments, nerves or something are knotted and crossed over each other.  Upper arms and shoulders keep being jangly then being ok.
Good news is that the osteopath recommences with strict sanitary conditions so there is an appointment before the end of May.  I need it!

Bad news is that a close family member has been diagnosed with Poly Myalgia Rheumatica.
The symptoms and pain of which sound like that which beset me.
She too had M.E. many years ago.  I suspect this is all part of the Fibro Mylagia / Myalgic Encephamolitis umbrella,  but take not my word, for I am not a medic|!
Good news is that in UK she was seen straight away,  once she called the surgery after suffering for a while unable to stand from sitting...
Good news that once steroid medication started she is feeling better as the GP said it would be so.
Me thinks that part is not such good news.

All will be well.... it has to be!!!!!

Better news is, I was invited to informal midday Sunday aperos. like we did on Easter Sunday...bring glass, wear mask, carry attestation. I understood some conversational subjects but not the detail.  It was nice to wear a summer dress, autumn jacket, scarf worn in addition to the mask. The storm has not yet arrived nor much rain but wind there is none!

My intention was and is to provide some pics of garden, courtyard or Village.
Here is one peony plant - this year with the best blooms ever in the ten years I have lived here. I might just pick one now for the house as I wish to gain their pleasure..

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Day 54: Lockdown in France - Remembrance

Lest we Forget Horrors of War
Remember the Cycle of Seasons Four 
Birth will push forth to renew Life
Memories fall away from Struggle and Strife
Poppies in a Time and Place
will nod with their bright red heads 
to Beauty and Grace

Friday, 8 May 2020

Day 53: Lockdown in France - Peace


A personal tribute:

How fortunate we all have been until this date. Let us live with hope for continuing motivation and treatment iof others to maintain PEACE between NATIONS and for the future.
Yes there have been wars and fighting since 1945.
Let us all show loving kindness.
No one has the right to abuse others.

The video of the signing of the Victory in Europe Treaty in this article feels poignant. 
I've never before seen any of this footage. 
I feel quite touched, with sadness at times like these, when I am not in UK to witness my country and its ancestors remember those who gave so much sacrifice. 

In less than an hour as I type this, in UK there will be a 2 minute silence. I shall join that silence in gratitude. 
Thank you to all those who eventually prevented and ended certain horrors of civilisation. 
Lives were lost. 
Peace be with us all as the world fights disease and dis-ease.

We must be vigilant in our conduct... not something i have always been aware of, brought up in a family, like many, where there were fractions after the Treaty was signed.

  •  United Kingdom: VE Day is not an annual public holiday because of the proximity of the May Day bank holiday on the first Monday in May. In 1995 and 2020 the bank holiday was moved from the preceding Monday to the 8 May to commemorate the 50th and 75th anniversaries of VE Day, respectively.
     FranceVE Day8 MayNational publicOrléans simultaneously celebrates both VE Day and the anniversary of the Siege of Orléans being lifted by French forces led by Joan of Arc during the Hundred Years War on this date.

Let us Go in Peace to love and serve the World with its glorious Beauty.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Day 50 51 52: Lockdown in France - Faulty Fridge Freezer

On Day 49, I gained the courage to call DARTY as the SAMSUNG freezer of the fridge / freezer combi was definitely not working as it should and after several days my BRAIN remembered with the noise from it that possibly there was a gas leak.  Fortunately, I had kept the 14 year BRANDT freezer for summer months so had moved food which was just not frozen sufficiently.  It was the newly purchased ice cream that told me!!!!
The masked and gloved technician came on Day 52.   Even so, I wished him to wash his hands as gloves can I THINK hold the virus on them if it is there. He was reluctant but poured liquid soap onto his surgical / diy cream coloured gloves!  He was very efficient in his work.
After his afternoon visit when he explained what would happen, DARTY called to say the fridge / freezer will be collected DAY 58, with a delivery of one to borrow for two weeks whilst they repair and test 'l'appareil'.   I will be given an extra two weeks + 6 months on the guarantee.
I am so far impressed by their Service.
The SAMSUNG  was bought late December 2018.  It was delivered and they took the DEAD BOSCH larder fridge which was 14 years old.   It had also had a gas leak. I didn't use the freezer although it worked as I continued to use the BRANDT which is quite noisy from time to time.
I emptied both by eating as much as I could , as well as had to take some with me to England on January 3rd 2019.  I went to a 21 day house and cat sit.  Then I stayed to help a member of my family but that all went wonky.   So... I started to use the electrical apparel in March 2019, which means it has only worked for less than 13 full months.   The guarantee is two years.

During these days I have been very drifty... doing things but without sufficient urgency, speed, effort, motivation and not really getting the IMPORTANT TASKS DONE despite lecturing myself.
"MUST DO BETTER". says the retired teacher!