Wednesday 10 October 2012

Five green bottles

After administrative visits to CPAM and then the Tax Office in order to have explained to me, yet again, the Avis d'Imposition, I took lunch at Fred's in the market place, Chatellerault.  Highly recommended.
I understood much more as to how tax figures are calculated but now I must go to the Bank and ask them to explain other calculations! It is complicated living in another country and having to learn so much, but inevitably it must keep the brain active!
Now, five green bottles standing in a row were placed upon my table after I'd ordered a 'Croque Saumon avec graines de cumin et Salade et Tomates".  In response to my asking for a glass of red, Fred starts to tell me the choice, gives up before he has started to speak, brings the large "ardoise" (blackboard), gives up quickly again, then brings a choice to the table!!!!!!!  It's all very fast, furious and fun in his cafe-bar where he has no kitchen but telephones to the charcutiere one's order! I choose the central bottle because it is almost empty.  I only have a small glass!!!! The food arrives with a flourish and he asks what it is in English. I say a toasted sandwich.  A lady client amuses me as she tries to say "toasting sandvich". I meet my hairdresser and then a lady from my pottery class dining with her husband.  We speak English, because he is, and now I was on my way to the next venue.
It was to "La Gourmandine" restaurant where there was an Independent Financial Adviser company presentation to us British Nationals living in France. I learn one or two useful facts.  One is that I am poor but not as poor as some.  However, I try to take no notice for I have other riches! Afterwards we are presented with Kir Royale and mise en bouches. There were small glasses of cold pea soup which was deeeeeeelicious, morue with waffle biscuits on tiny wooden platters, other savoury morsels, French honey cake and strange sweet nibbles with coffee! A bizaare 4pm gouter!
Onwards to the supermarket where I was brave enough to ask a lady which apples she would recommend for a Tarte Pomme Classique. She did not know in English!!!! After we'd summoned further help and I settled on Reine de Reinettes and also Ariane I asked her where she had learned her English. She became quite wistful and told me how she used to work with Nato and missed an opportunity to go to Germany with a certain gentleman but subsequently worked with the oil trade where she met her husband. 
It is a joy to meet French people and hear their remarkable stories!
I don't often praise myself but today I have been called "adorable" by one lady, then by another praised for my shape in the diet foods aisle, whilst discussing the merits of BIO biscuits containing sunflower, sesame and lin a potentially nourishing biscuit to give my grand-daughter and prise her away from "rubbishy snack foods".  My daughter is having a terrible time trying to get the little one to eat properly!!!!!! They will be with me soon just for 3 full days.
Yes, today I felt positive. Happy to be out and about in "April showers" and sunshine, with movement and colourful people, but dismayed at the emptying of the wallet and purse!!!!!!

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Tuesday 2 October 2012

My first accordion

When I was seven years old Santa gave me this little accordion.
And for a little bit of nostalgia: 
I was told by my father that during the war he was mostly in the back of a lorry on signals, but whilst in Ancona, Italy he heard many an accordion. Today the factories still exist and museums too.  Though I would love to go, I feel I would be filled with sadness, as well as, joy to hear the many sounds and styles of such an instrument that I love to play. It represents freedom for me!

A  few days ago, an English lady whom I met 3 years ago arrived for guidance on how to play it. She had bought one exactly the same but darker red!  I thought she'd paid rather a lot of money but I would need to research that!  It was fun to teach and she made quick progress whilst I made a cup of tea.  It's a very limited instrument as it is child-size.

When I was seven years old, it was my French teacher or she was a teacher who was French (possibly Madame Boucher who taught mathematics) ... who gave me lessons.  I learned to play Three Blind Mice.  She was impressed. It was my earliest recollection that I could be successful at something!  After about three after-school lessons, she visited my house and told my mother I needed to have professional lessons more or less immediately.  I started studies with Martin Lukins. 

I can't wait until my grand-daughter who has already shown interest and ability at the age of 4, is ready to learn to play seriously.  It would be nice to think that I could pass on 'heritage tracks' !!!!

Monday 1 October 2012

Changing my mind

Change the mind and change my world!
I've just had several days or was it weeks when apart from trying to organise the mess that I create  and cleaning for a friend, I now feel optimistic!
Being lazy on a Sunday afternoon with the sun shining warmly, I decide it's better to be a social human being.  I decide not to shut the world out of my courtyard but to achieve what once a friend and I said we would do in France ... I open the gates, meet people, see places.  

First port of call was a small Brocante at Bonneuil Matours.  No more than a dozen stalls.  But no vide-grenier which was a welcome change! Then I wandered to where I thought there was a Park, carrying my picnic basket. Realising it was too far, I returned to the car. However, with a 'no entry' to my right I decided to explore, driving into narrow streets of the old town.  I wished to go into the church but at mid-afternoon the riverbank wall, warm with sunshine, urged me to eat my raw salad, yoghurt, scone and plums with Earl Grey tea.  The dam was automatically operating and seeming to clean the vanes of the barrage.  To my surprise, it is an old moulin which once created flour and now creates electricity.
I have to practice my French to read / understand more  here and here.  The noticeboard outside the mill was very interesting but I couldn't absorb all the history.

Then I found a park which will be ideal for my grand daughter as there is mini-golf, zipwire,  climbing apparatus, the usual roundabout things for younger children PLUS space to play ball or fly a kite and in the summer a place to swim or paddle with lifeguard present.  FREE!

Feeling quite buoyant I set off for home but took a different route and came upon L'Abbaye d'Étoile which was absolutely stunning.  It is a redundant, salvaged Cistercian Abbey.... the only one in the region of Poitou. The Cistercians lived in Silence but used Sign Language to communicate.  Unlike the Benedictines at St Savin, the Cistercians lived in austerity and poverty.  Some of the buildings have received much preservation work but more is required.   It will cost a fortune! How come I have not discovered this in the last 9 years of my knowing this region?  I definitely wish to return. After my solitary visit, apt to get a feeling of the vastness and the space that monks created and prayed in,  I had the opportunity to listen to the guide speaking to descendants (?) or people interested in, Les Acadiens. There was I think a twinning group from Archigny.  After a while I sloped off, for I did not wish to be "Who's that woman in our photographs?"  
A model of the entire site
Stars and Moons
The Chapel
There is quite a lot of history to learn!

Sunday 30 September 2012


A new term for teaching and learning has begun: there was a 6 hour pottery day, which really is 4 hours split by a 2 hour French lunch!
How amazing that 4 people can donate their contribution creating sufficient for 8 or more! Where was the unexpected guest? In fact there were 5 of us, because a friend of a friend also arrived but I think he also bought tomatoes.The assiette looked  attractive with the tabbouleh, potato and egg salad, home-produced tomatoes (two varieties) and lettuce and my contribution of the raw vegetable/fruit salad as mentioned in my poetry of yesterday.  In addition there were pork products and baguette but I don't eat those.
There for afters was my very yummy French scone, baked with the last of my French black cherry confiture, rather overfilled but the jar was emptied! It amused me to serve an English scone, called a French scone. Ha!

I was so absorbed in concentration whilst making two clay flower heads that I forgot to take a photo. It will appear here maybe at the end of October when the biscuit clay has been fired and then refired with glaze.  I didn't have time to glaze the flower I created in June!

Saturday 29 September 2012


One always needs to see
as much as possible
for truly
it is often hidden in small gems
just around the corner
out of view
waiting only to be recognised.

I love
rime, rhythm, rhyme,
thyme, time
when to create pleasure
I choose and use the flavour
of walnut oil and lemon
roasted seeds of fennel
basil leaves or any herbs
plus crumbled hard goats' cheese
in a mixed raw salad
of beetroot, carrot, celeriac
with slivers of William pear,
It' s a treat to eat and share.

Hoping someone will be there
even if only me.

© RestlessinFrance

Friday 28 September 2012

Look after the hat and a house will look after itself

Without discussing every detail, first of all the postponement and now the cancellation of the roof repair and replacement is perhaps a blessing in disguise!  It should have been the first project when I bought this house but it was delayed. Apart from everything else that happened when I bought my house, the research to have it repaired is not as easy as it seems.
But then, I seem to not have a simple life. It often becomes complicated!!!!!!!
Now, I am thrown back into the cauldron of research and having to decide what to do about my roof!   It needs repair and the valley between the two roofs is urgently requiring attention!
It's a mansard roof but only half of one with no flat roof.  Common in this area. Evidently, the pitch is insufficient for terracotta flat tiles which currently exist.  But I was going to ignore this fact and replace the flat tiles. I think too many of them are broken and / or fragile and more replacements than at first thought will be required.   So that in itself may cause the price to rise! Technical information indicates that the pitch of the roof and the direction of the wind are important when choosing the roof material. I don't wish to have the rear wall built up higher.  It seems to me that most roofs of this shape are slated but sometimes they have the top part (terrasson) in one material and the brisis in another. I'm almost sure I do not wish to have two types of tiling on the roof.
I think slate will look pretty providing it is high or medium quality slate and is nailed!
The timbers of the current roof frame are bent; cracked under the weight of wet tiles. Rafters are a mixture of pine and poplar indicating patched repair in previous years.
Then there is the matter of the guttering position on the façade which at the moment is incorrect and plastic pipes must be replaced by zinc guttering.
So, back to the planning stage, studying estimates, researching and learning,  plus having to reapply to the Architect de Batiments de France with whom on Thursday I had an hour long conversation about the perceived visual and heritage issues, although I do have official permission to repair!!!!!!!  Residents must have an opportunity to say nay or yay to ardoise tiles if that is what I have changed the plans to!   It seems it will not be done this side of winter!! Aaaarrgh!
I ask too many questions and some artisans do not like this!!!!!! They are of course the experts and I am, by and large totally ignorant, and would not be in the building game for all the tea in China, but I know what I like, though the wallet is almost empty! 
It is my nature to find out as much as I can in order to make an informed choice. I think every client should be able to discuss the detail of a job, until they feel comfortable with their employment of the artisan.

I look roofwards wherever I go in France... to see if I can find a roof edging like mine...... not even the Architect was familiar with this method of finishing the eaves.
Evidently it should be more like this: 
This next roof is set back further along the street.
I think it is quite pretty with the same shaped roof structure.

So maybe that is my answer. 

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Prelude à L'après-midi d'un faune

At the concert I recently attended where two pianists played a transcription of the orchestral piece Prelude à L'après-midi d'un faune by Claude Debussy 1862-1918), a French Impressionistic composer, we also, beforehand, listened to the poem of Stephane Mallarmé (1842-1898) L'après-midi d'un faune (1865/7) which had inspired that music.  This poem is about a faun who whilst alone in woodlands plays his pan-pipes.  Interested in the nymphs and naiads, he follows them, eventually sadly realising that he is rejected, so returns to dream of them whilst asleep.
Whilst the poem was read aloud we watched the following video of Nureyev performing the choreography by Nijinsky who performed the ballet in 1912 which had been inspired by the poetry and the music.
Then of course there was the new modern version by dearest Freddie Mercury of Queen when in 1984 he dances the role of the faun, supported by the Royal Ballet, as he sings I want to Break Free.  
Wonderful History of The Arts!
A lot of controversy over the years!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Irons not in the fire

I can't believe I've walked past irons in panes of glass at least more than 100 times and never seen them!  Must develop better observational skills!
I wonder why this pattern was created. 
Since then I saw another iron pattern .. must re-locate it as I didn't have the camera with me! 

Monday 24 September 2012


A storm brew up in the evening
after a chilly morning 
with an afternoon temperature recorded at 31C.
 A tempest so they said
in Bonneuil Matours, 
where two pianists played
Debussy: "La Mer" the third movement being  
but still no rain where I live.
All about, the sky was different.
Whichever way one turned
the wind was blowing
fresh and warm.
A newly tumbled dessicated tree stood sadly in a field 
as the storm with thunder and lightning rumbled on its journey 
whilst a moon in its first quarter shone brightly.

Sunday 23 September 2012

invited me to sit down,
made for just my size,
invited eyes to look before me,
at a bridge above a river
to watch English empty barque of water,
five people boarded,
laden, towards a weir,
walked across a dam
laughing, loudly speaking
as English often do.
On an island,
first Sunday August,
if early enough
to bag one's place,
spectacular fireworks can be seen
in an hour of an evening
from the very best espace.

Wednesday 19 September 2012


I'd elected to go to the market. Parked my car. Looked back. Looked again. 
Laughed. Camera emerged from bag!
Priests? Choristers? Perhaps the latter!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Returning from Brittany

where skies were often overcast I returned to my own region where at 7pm it was still 25C according to Pharmacy green crosses not far from here. But the following day, the temperature plummetted. I cannot crow about warmth as we head towards the final weeks of September.
With loads to tell, though probably to reduce any indulgence, I must only savour the memory of art galleries celebrating Gauguin and those American and Parisian artists who were influenced by his style.  I understand that Gaugin told them that if it looks green, then paint it green.  If only my attempts at art could be so defined!  The history / geography of how artists, fishermen and peoples of Cornouaille and Cornwall were interconnected, was difficult to absorb.   Previously, I had thought these the same region.
It was wonderful to see ocean, though not the furthest West, even though the warm rain won. Lovely to be near numerous river scenes with harbours and fortified villages within ramparts whilst I glimpsed a fraction of the wealth of vistas.  It was just a few days to see new places but I loved to see the sea, rocks covered in cockles in stunning light. All this confuses thinking about where I should be and why! or where I would like to be and why!
Les Jardins du Botrain was remarkable for the different gardens within a garden and the sculptures therein.  My favourite was a Japanese garden. My cousin will be able to visit in different seasons.
It's a little Japanese fisherman.
Fortunately. you cannot see behind the hedge and to the left.
Rare 18th century Ruchers - to hold bee hives.
Textured stones create a focal point for metalwork and meditation
Giant rhubarb is what I call it!
Venus fly traps
The Spiral Triskele
 We visited
 where sailing vessels tinkled on the river,
 and Goose wished to be fed baguette.

Quimper, Port-Aven, Concarneau, parts of the Nantes-Brest Canal were enjoyed and on the return journey I stopped at St Maire du Mer for a picnic on the sand, then Pornic for an Italian ice cream! 
France is so huge with Brittany to the West. The coastline doubles and loops back on itself creating havens for people, flora et fauna, salt marshes, defence fortifications as well as a myriad of things too long too list! And I still have not yet seen the pink granite.