Saturday 8 September 2012

An understanding of self-sabotage

Procrastination, a form of self-sabotage which I have been a master or a mistress of for some time has blighted my inaction and lazy day syndrome as I busy myself with less prioritised tasks.  I have been increasingly unhappy and ashamed that this situation exists in my life when I think it has got worse over the last several years.   I have read that people struggle with procrastination because they are not living life in the now and not living it in the way it’s meant to be lived. 

My source of information suggest that one has to go with the flow of  life. Hm?  Well, yes, actually I have been trying to live life more like that especially in the last two years.  When it does not flow, I know that I really do struggle not just with procrastination but with an imbalance of thoughts and emotions.  It is suggested that people should believe they can have what they want.  Well, I would always agree with that. However,  I have being learning about this more and more in the last two years and I do believe 'The Law of Attraction' exists.  It is true that I have been seeking an easier daily life (doesn't always happen) and I have been seeking an easier relationship with my friends (again, it aint easy)  I am lucky that I've nearly always experienced good health,  although I know I could work more on personal fitness.  My stamina levels are not strong.

Struggle occurs when you want one thing and one's true beliefs go against the flow of life. So the subconscious has to be tapped into using:
1. affirmations (things one says)
Choose something one would wish for and reaffirm it in the present tense as an I am or an I have.
2. visualizations (things one imagines) 
Imagine being successful with something one dreams of. I am able to......

So maybe I'd better start... JUST START!! Just DO IT!! and move away from this computer!

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