Friday, 31 May 2013

From Work Mess to Clear Living Space

Just a few days ago after the sawbench had been removed. Don't think I have a photo of that!
After I'd cleared the above.
It has two halves so as to sit nearer the woodburner!

Flashback to Spring 2012  
This next photo is how it looked immediately in front of the woodburner! 
That was when the whole house was in chaos. 
The bathroom was being plumbed and prepped for electricity. 
PLUS the small woodburner was being re-installed after the Oval Room wall had been damaged!  
These are the tools for every trade. 
He might have had tools everywhere but his work IS and WAS meticulous.

 The next photos are how it looked before I became the owner of my house.

  I removed every vertical string from the wallpaper and then the paper itself. 
My son prepped and painted the walls.
We had scaffolding.
Out went that chimney. 
Out went those hanging lights.
God, it was a nightmare and He definitely knows what WE THREE went through.  

Oh my,  I can see how far the journey has been ..
and how grateful I am for he who was my lover to have given me so much! 
Yes even the bad times I am strangely grateful for. It wasn't all his fault!
I'm telling the Reality.
I'm not ashamed as much as I used to be and possibly the fierce pride is beginning to return.
I love my bathroom and now I can begin to love this large room which is too cold in the spring and summer and not warm enough in the winter.  If I can get those radiators re-installed and the oil system working it would make such a difference in the depth of really cold winter. 
I haven't minded wearing so many clothes but wouldn't like to die of hypothermia when older! 

I'm just waiting to get the decoration of the doors / windows finished, 
paint the skirting board and staircase, add curtains mainly for acoustics and cosy company in the winter, hang art work on the walls and find an appropriate bookcase.   
Complicated it is!  
BUT OVERALL to reduce clutter ... minimalise at all costs, 
 then I can have a ball or a concert in my Salon!!!!!!! 
HA ha!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

End of May

THE GRAND SALON is 40m2 and from floor to ceiling is 315cm  high, including the depth of the beams.

No dust anywhere.
No cobwebs that I can see.
No tools.
No sawbench.
No sawdust.
No blue baches hanging from the beams to divide the room and keep workshop dust from living area.
No bed in living area.
Most paint spots scraped off floor tiles. 
Floor mopped.
Furniture moved.
Rugs laid.
Paint has to stay in this room, being an ambient temperature, not prone to overheating or frost,  all not good for paint storage.... and anyway I am hoping the cans will reduce once good weather approaches so I can paint the exterior woodwork.
Bicycle could go elsewhere but it's a reminder for me to get back on my bike after the accident!

I can feel the space and lack of clutter ... just right for the next phase which COULD BE for sorting and de-cluttering historically stored items in boxes from previous lives!

Eeek... I have indeed tried before but the attic has been too cold or too hot or the chaos in my life has meant I couldn't cope with more disruption. It awaits and bugs me! I really don't wish it upon anyone after my existence!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

I spy through a gap

in my street, a house and barn hidden from public view.
Interesting, for I can see that my property must once have looked in a similar state.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Deserted Village at 6pm

Sunday hope 8pm
 Today deserted 6pm

Businesses are suffering as a result of the weather.

Monday, 27 May 2013


I think it's a European hornet (apx 4 or 5cm full length) which obliged photogenically and sleepily. It wasn't bugging me so I let it beeeeeeee BIG and BEAUTIFUL.