Monday 13 May 2013

It aint hunkydory

Falling flat on my face! A smack in the Face!  Face up to it! were alternative post headings.

It grieves me to say that my face was embedded in tarmac 6 days ago as a result of a vehicle hitting my velo.  As I lay face down in a horizontal line, feeling rather poorly, testing toes and fingers, ascertaining that nothing other else was crushed apart from two knees receiving the brunt of the fall,  did I also absorb how lucky I was that my legs were still in tact, clothes not torn and later discovered the bike was not damaged!!!!!!!!

"Leave me alone" I cried as people tried to get me to raise myself OFF the tarmac.......

I gave instructions to call an ambulance .....a woman AT THE SIDE OF MY FACE wanted to know if I could breathe!!!!!!! Oh yes, she was the driver of the vehicle....later, I discovered it was a funeral parlour van.......mais moi? Je ne suis pas prêt pour ça actuellement!!!!!!!!

Ambulance and A&E were absolutely brilliant. I've had mild concussion, am still in shock, feeling cold most of the time, a swollen very bruised face, an eye closed up on Wednesday and Thursday, headaches, teeth went through the inside of my lips. Little dangly bits as one slurps one's drink isn't very nice!  It's been difficult to breathe through the nose but can. Neck pain but otherwise no broken bones.   Remarkably, most of the scabs are falling thanks to the treatment I gave my face.  I stayed at home until Sunday when I ventured forth for a few hours to someone's house to have lunch with friends where the little two year old kept pointing to the scabs and repeating "Poorly" after me! Have been quite depressed and lacking energy, that is, I am extremely tired.  I feel like a bag of poo. Thankfully, I am on the mend.  No driving until 10 days after the accident as I have a medical certificate.

Always stop at the thick white line with the STOP sign and always check that the route is clear in both directions.  I've read that the penalty is immediate loss of licence or 4 points.  I am hoping that she is prosecuted which is not unkind of me. I've suffered for 7 days and still not correct.
Never think that life is fun and the day is going to be wonderful. Be alert on a velo even when there is no time to brake or swerve!
"It's come to a head."
"Face it!"
"Facing facts"
"Keep your head up."
"Chin up!"
"Don't shed a tear"
"Don't feel sorry for yourself"
"Rest and be kind to yourself"
''Never rest on one's laurels"
"Be prepared"
"Watch where you're going"
"Be brave"
"Have dignity in the face of adversity"

At last I now know what course of action I am supposed to take.  Interestingly, the driver in question is not at work this week, nor did she provide her private contact details to my friend!!! BUT I have the vehicle registration number on photo. House insurance company will contact the company to get her details as she has to receieve and fill in a "constat amiable".  I'm not feeling very friendly!!!!!!!
Such a waste of time!!!!!!! Oh, it's just another set back but I pick myself up, dust myself down and start all over again!
ADDENDUM 19 May 2013... GP says to continue to rest as post traumatic stress needs a while to heal on the inside ... he prescribes 0.50mg Alprazalom when I've only been taking 0.125mg.   I really don't want to get back onto these drugs... as I had a whole year free of anything chemical. A little support from a friend perhaps is necessary!


  1. What an awful experience! Have emailed you...

  2. So sorry to hear that someone's carelessness has caused you so much pain.
    Since the day I was knocked off my motorcycle by someone pulling out of a junction, I have always assumed that's what other drivers will do and been prepared accordingly
    I don't blame you for thinking unkindly of the driver -she's very lucky the outcome wasn't so much worse.

  3. Evidently, as far as I understand, the company's insurance company is involved, not the driver's private insurance company. On 28 May my insurance company asked me whether she'd made contact. No. My insurance company say they had not been able to contact her! I feel very sorry IF she is hiding her errors behind her company but maybe she is being disciplined. I know not the truth. I'm sad that she has not had the decency to enquire on my condition! I think I would do so via the insurance company. I now have to make a list of my day to day condition post injury, plus a list of costs in addition to the medical questionnaire, accident form and account of what happened. This in itself must be at least 8 hours work as I have had to present it in French as well as in English. Hey ho... it is a learning curve. NOTE I am acutely aware of stopping at a white line junction and have started to count seconds whilst looking for traffic.. and even more aware of traffic coming from right or left.
    I'm sure Jean that since your accident you are more traffic aware, even if the accident was not your fault.
    Main thing is we are alive!!!!


It would be lovely to hear what you think.