Sunday 29 May 2016

Emperor Moth*

* See below

FOUND: teeny ants had devoured its body!

I think it might be the female, but not being a lepidopterist, I am not wise. However, at my age,  I am proud that I remembered it's name and only consulted the infoGod to confirm and discover more knowledge.

various sites say 9cm to 11cm is BIG ... but this one exceeds those!!!!!!!

See comments below... EVIDENTLY this is a Giant Peacock Moth.


  1. 'Tis not the Emperor....
    RiF, you have found the remains of a Giant Peacock Moth...
    the "W" at the wing-tips gives it away....
    along with the dark "cape".
    It is Europe's largest moth....wonderful creature...
    If you still have it, take the leading edge of the forewing between two fingers and a thumb...and feel the energy you have to use to do that... isn't Nature wonderful!!

  2. Thank you... I shall edit the posting...
    I let it go back to Nature so could not do as you advised...


It would be lovely to hear what you think.