Now, I know there isn't much choice with a 3665mm linear wall, but I wanted a U shape and I did not wish to lose even 10cm of wall space.
Occasionally the tape got moved.
During the winter I did a 3D model with tables, chairs, metal rods, wooden planks, boxes and anything to bring the measurement to the correct level so that I could 'pretend' to use a sink, kettle, hob, oven.
There might be photos of this. ( a reminder to me to find some)
Later in the planning months feeding my anxiety, angst and headache, I tried to think of where the kettle should go, the blender, food mixer, chopping boards, pots and pans and baking dishes, cutlery and crockery, teas and coffees, canned foods, oil and vinegar bottles and wine, food waste bins, remembering that also the room behind my kitchen is a laundry room / with dishwasher, sink and washing machine. The system is working well.
In catering, it is important to have a circular movement as much as possible so that food preparation areas are not contaminated by the dirty dishes area. I know this because in France I researched a "tea shop business" in this house before there was one in the village...and I quickly realised that I did not have the money, skills or artisan to do this for me when the whole house was in need of TLC and I was practically, emotionally and mentally off the wall!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that!
Anyway, enough of the negative past... onwards!
And so it came to pass that the tape was helpful to the electrician even though he had 'a plan' done by the estimator'. (I'd made minor changes!!!!) So I gave him a copy of the final IKEA print out plan as well as my own 2D folding images...
Yes I might try and post a photo of these later...
Before the electrician started work and he WAS KEEN, I insisted we talk about the plan, discuss where the switches etc were to be, showed him the attic. He and I agreed that we each were 'en accord' with the necessary work! I really didn't want mistakes because I HAD NOT PAID ATTENTION. This has happened before. My former partner, a retired general builder, suggested on more than one occasion when the former electrician was here that I should not keep an eye on the artisans to monitor them!!! As a manager and teacher I always used to monitor helpers in and out of my classroom or I would discover the work done with the children or the display was not what I wished or that it exceeded my expectations.... true, I gave everyone licence to contribute. I was not rigid though I was a disciplinarian. I am sorry to all those who thought so. On the other hand we had rising SAT results year on year at end of KS1 .. my class ... so much so that....ggggrrrrr....that is another story best left alone for the moment!
In the photo, the gap in the old and new layers of plaster-boarding is so that the plumber can do his work when he arrives!
The holes in the walls are where the switches and wiring has to go! These were made by the electrician on his first day.
After about an hour of the electrician working and me wondering WHY there were TWO circular HOLES up high on the wall I remembered I must take photos... so this was taken from the distance of the living room so as not to alarm him as he was in and out to his car gathering tools, wires etc as were required. I watched with fascination as he rodded and pulled wires up behind the two layers of plasterboard old and new. The new wall. The newly fixed, plastered, sanded, filled, sanded, filled I don't know how many times with at least three coats of paint and which my friend was cross because I had not finished painting the final coast as I said I would do.
My reasoning apart from the fact it was winter, was that I did not wish to use more of the F&B in case the walls were ruined. THAT was November last year.
OH no... now they are being ruined. My heart leaps into my brain! Imagine my friend's wrath when he sees it all later that day, when he arrives from the South of France, when he is specifically returning to get my kitchen designed and installed!
My fears rose. I wobbled. My internal alarm increased.
I asked the electrician what these holes were for and he explained how there would be two above each socket etc.
I explained how the wires were supposed to go across the attic floor as agreed with the estimator. We even had discussed that this morning. Yes he said but he has to do it this way, his way!!!!!
Where was the estimator?
On holiday training to be a pompier!!!!!
Helpless. Helpless.
Eventually, he spoke to a boss and the two kept saying that I had no choice... to which I disagreed.
I spoke at length on the phone to the boss.
Meanwhile the stress that brings out the tears and the anxiety took hold. I apologised and explained that it is one of the reasons why I lost my career position...and that this reaction to stress is very inconvenient to me!!! It is my disability. I wish I could control it. It is my fuse! It is my valve!
I like to avoid stress!!!!
We had been discussing for about 30 minutes and it is just before midday.
He asks if he should stop work. I ask his advice. I also say if he thinks it is best to.
"Yes I think so. Thank you. I will discuss with my friend and when you return tomorrow we can discuss with him."
He has another job that he could go to.
It was as if we had each negotiated so as not to lose face and also it was important to me that we ended the morning without anger or resentment. I needed an electrician after all this time!!!!!!
We agree that I would telephone in the morning.
The next day I phoned at 8h to say that it was OK for the electrician to carry on with his method.
My friend was not angry. He had expected some ruination but agreed not 20 holes. We went to the attic and accessed the space where his wiring could go. My friend cut out the fragile flooring below the hot and cold water pipes which I revealed. Normally they are shrouded in several layers of polystyrene board and silver insulation against any frost.
I cleared all the rubble that lay beneath. This was rubble from the years as well as from the roof replacement. The floor is unstable and so it is important that people tread where we have put reinforcement lengths of wood or melamine. The old ping pong table had been put there as well about two years ago!
Below the boarding is fibreglass above tommettes above the ceiling below. It was dusty and we did wear masks and hats! We realised that the old hole where the extraction unit used to be was once a hatch, probably accessed by ladder to the attic where people must have once lived.
I didn't mind these holes as they are below the work surface!
Here you can see the offending holes near the ceiling and there were going to be many more!!!!!!
This was the old casing...
Here the new is being installed - unfortunately I forgot to take the photo of the cascade of wiring spilling from the ceiling before each set of three were connect to the appropriate trip switch.

He did the plumbing for the sink and again excellent workmanship. Pleasant manners. Men who worked happily in their jobs. A joy! I highly recommend this team!
Continued in next post.
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