Thursday 12 May 2016

The Kitchen: Where was I? Where am I? 5 of 5

The magic day arrived when we started to lay tiles not eggs!

What a beautiful floor it is!!!!!!
With thanks on my bended knees in homage I thank my friend for sticking with me for the past six years.
I truly never thought I would ever see the kitchen make this moment!!!
I thought I would have given up but NO, I have stayed the course despite the trauma.
Tears pour out suddenly as I write this last sentence!
Looking back, seeing the distance, seeing the then and the now as daily I walk across that floor, I am in seventh heaven.  But I do come down to earth every minute of every day whilst considering thoughts and feelings about "what am I doing here?"  "what is my purpose?" etc.
The tears have stopped. That's how fast they arrive and disappear. Six  years ago I was crying all day!
A big sigh!

Well done him!  I am grateful that we are still friends and that we have a better understanding of each other. I THINK.
Life is so short.
I am tired of trauma, stress and being alone. I am tired of renovation but still have plans and thoughts for my house.   If only this.....and only that!!!

END OF UPDATE - It has taken me seven hours on Sunday 8th May in between gardening and domestics to writ, edit and complete these last five postings for scheduled publishing. 
It is evidently not as warm here as in England but yesterday was gloriously sunny. Warmth in any country, wherever we live makes all the difference to well-being!
Thank you.


  1. Thank you my friend! In real life the floor looks a lot lighter than in the photos. Today, I visited the electrical shop and departed much the poorer... but the richer when that oven arrives. I shall keep the one with the gas hob in the atelier in case of electrical power cuts but also for making jam and using old saucepans which are perfectly good. I would have incorporated it into the kitchen in a different life but I have been determined for something that has taken a year to evolve!!!!
    IF I ever make this place into a rental for a week that's what they will have to use!!!!!!
    Thank you for your treasured support.

  2. WOW indeed, to echo Gaynor....
    Those tiles are fantazmagorical....
    Am I right in thinking that there are nine different patterns laid in repeating squares?
    They are much more in keeping with an elderly French property than the graded brown ones.
    Evolution isn't fast... if it is to work properly!!

  3. THANK YOU... de la forge.... yes 9 patterns forming a square. A French Provincial look ... maybe there is another name for the style. This a modern version of the antique ones which one cannot afford. Yes, I too thought more in keeping woth a 19th century property than wood or look a like wood or the Provencal BROWNY ORANGE floor tiles that were there and are in my GRAND SALON.. very practical as they may be! VOILA.


It would be lovely to hear what you think.