Sunday 7 July 2019

An affront

I'd had only one beer and 7 hours earlier a glass of wine with food.
I witnessed a man grabbing at the blouse of a woman and causing a reveal.
My pride and much more for humanity and women was hurt.
It was a small thing in the grand scheme of LIFE.
My prudishness sat and considered, whilst an alcoholic fuelled drama occurred around me.
"Me TOO"
I wanted to call out.
Call out disrespectful behaviour.
What did I feel?
Is this adult behaviour?
Yes and No.
Tame in the real world?
Are these people you wish to acquaint with?
Saddened that the culture of the day has waned away to bawdy, tawdry, loud, raucous, peasantry stuff.
How do you feel?
Don't wish to stay in the social scene.
Do you wish to leave?
Yes... is it silly to leave?
You have a choice. You wanted to leave some time ago, were persuaded by others to stay, so now the truth about the first inclination is revealed. Always follow your gut!
I shall say something confrontational if I do not leave.
(stand ... sit down ... wait seconds... stand.. sidle towards the exit)
Excuse me .. I am going home now.
(everyone stops and turns to say "don't leave")
Someone asks am I afraid?
No.   No.  There is nothing to be afraid of.
(takes steps to leave... turns...returns)
I have a right to leave.
They agreed.
I do.
They were subdued. 
I suppose my soul was shocked. 
I felt inwardly personally betrayed.
When one plays frivolous games that some men and women can play, then there is an awareness,
but when one sees it happening to someone else and sees it is unwanted... it is not fun.
My boundaries for social conduct had been violated.
No one has the right to ask women personal questions in public about their attire.
He was told that earlier on.
He was told that there are certain questions you do not ask women in public.
He agreed.
No mature adult would surely make suggestive sexual vocalisations in public.
He does very often .. 
It isn't funny any more.
People should be ashamed of being lured into the game.
I am
The game is ended.
I have never in my life seen this sort of thing happen, when it was not welcomed.
I wish to be with adults not children in adult bodies.
Yes it has disturbed my soul.
Troubled the soul.

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