Wednesday 6 June 2012

Time to enjoy!

Apart from a bath screen and a few minor but important details the bathroom has arrived!
As always, nothing is ever finished and sometimes one learns to live with it as it is.
I ran out of paint of one colour. A little more silicone is required. I am sure that the extractor fan is not powerful enough. I WOULD rather have a stronger fan than one that has to be on 24/7!

It's going to feel very strange to have my very own toilet where it is not necessary to sit eye to eye with spidery creatures or fiddle with a water cistern mechanism to prevent water continually gushing into the pan or use the modern equivalent of a potty, i.e. a bucket, when it is wet, cold or dark outside, or use the natural environment of my garden. However, the latter I intend to continue because it will save water in the closet!  I have urinated in the garden for the last 7 years of living in France.  I lived in a fairly remote area and there were always places to hide!  We also wished to conserve clean water as well as preserve the delicate workings of a fosse septique.  I see nothing wrong with Mother Nature.  Urine when diluted makes an excellent fertiliser and when not diluted makes an excellent weedkiller in the right quantity.  Mine also used to deter moles at one time but we won't go into my health history!

So here she is LA SALLE DE BAIN waiting to be used.  I am immensely proud. Indeed I am more than extremely grateful for the motivation, dedication, commitment, hard work and patience given by my friend in creating the style and ambiance that I hoped for.  It looks like a piece of cake but behind the scenes of this and any worthwhile project, the knowledge, skills, talents, techniques of what we have learned and what we need to learn become apparent.  They are there along with frustrations, mishaps, mistakes, nightmares, laughter, and heavenly moments which are all too soon forgotten!

Time to enjoy when looking back

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