The late start of the morning was kicked into action when an acquaintance phoned to say she could come that afternoon. Debris of two days required a whirlwind of major domestic duties with the decision to bake a cake! Springsteen's energy helped amazingly.
Nervousness to entertain in my own house became a surprise when she arrived. It seemed illogical for I am proud of the work that my friend has achieved in difficult circumstances over the last two years. Oh how I wish things were different. To digress: Many were the times when I was required to speak ad lib to more than 100 parents, or lead an assembly for 120 children plus adults with 5 or fewer minutes to prepare or present a class assembly or concert for parents and never ever felt nervous. Nor did I ever become nervous when playing hymns for daily assemblies but to perform as a musician in a concert used to de-salivate my mouth for it was something that I could never achieve.
Having explored my property we descended stone steps to the river, strolled where artists with easels were creating beautiful artwork, stood on the bridge to marvel at the perfect view and climbed to the hub of the village. Warm tea was served with date and almond buns. The cold wind seemed to sap my energy despite the sun trying to warm the world.
Fatigue set in before 6pm but I decided to visit the village shop for raw vegetables. Not more than 20 metres along the lane I stopped to let the large white van pass.... Cuckoo... it's my pottery teacher. "Was I going to the concert?" "Was I going to the vernissage? I became invited. The latter I did not know about and the former I thought I would skip on account of being tired and cold.
Amused by surprise events I nipped back to change into something more glamorous.
The two ladies who invited me to share a picnic salad al fresco set off for the next village in DM's new Jumper van in which she has installed a bed and storage space so she can travel to exhibitions and sell her pottery. It was great fun to eat with them and accompany them to the concert in a church. Moi, l'anglaise et eux. It was an excellent professional performance of piano and violincello works by Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy and Chostakovitch. In England we write Shostakovitch.
I love days like these when LIFE seems worth living and I feel young again!
The payback was followed by a less active day!
I enjoyed my visit and your bathroom really is luxurious and very well finished.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you got to revisit the exhibition with friends. The work was exquisite.