Sunday 6 January 2013

Another Epiphany

I've managed walks of between 30 minutes and an hour or a cycle ride each day of this year, except for yesterday when I failed!  There are 299 days left to keep this thought of getting out of the house in all weathers to walk / cycle every day.  Must do better.
Now to have guilt for letting myself down, not meeting standards, failing to do what I promised. So if I can't keep promises to my SELF, how can anyone trust me to keep promises I may make to others...... and therein is one element of self-destruction.
I know I say I want to help people and sometimes I haven't always had the wherewithal to do so.
It is what my friend complained about. Usually small things, like not being quite on time, or in the last 5 years forgetting what I'd said I'd do, like phone someone or wash up!   I blame the trauma I've been through, because my memory is better now.
Yesterday, I did not walk because it was more dreary than today and I kept procrastinating. However, I DID do a task that I had procrastinated on for some time.  It is true that I could have done both!
See how I can be self-punitive!

6km walk today at quite a fast rate but was glad to have a stick when two black labradors rolled towards me barking loudly. Mostly, their bark is merely a threat but never trust a dog.  I knew I mustn't show fear nor put my back towards them, so I spoke harshly towards the one travelling quite near and shook the stick, whereby it retreated a few steps whilst I stood still, looking towards houses to see if an owner was coming. NOPE. So what to do as they were on my route?  Forwards. Onwards. Show no fear. They went forwards and back, eventually giving way to sit in the field, nonchalantly, but as I passed, the braver one  intimidated me further. Aha, the owner showed up at the buildings.  Again, I shook my stick at them, circumnavigated the beasts and took the road route home.

I'd accomplished a mission and investigated a new chemin / footpath. At the same time I discovered that there are other paths worthy of investigation to create one hour or more circuitous routes from my house. I should think they can be cycled in summer.

I wonder about my ability to backpack or cycle alone? Can I do that? Can I?  I'm waiting for my own epiphany.


  1. I try to do whatever it is I want to do as early in the day as possible. After this procrastination is so much easier to do... without guilt.
    Good luck x

  2. You could always cycle over here once the weather improves... that way you'd have a destination that would offer a cup of tea, possibly a meal and a bed should it have taken longer than you thought... and you could turn back as you want... we are only a few kilometres further than Gaynor and Tim's house.


It would be lovely to hear what you think.