Sunday 27 December 2015

The third of twelve

On the third day of Christmas sunshine came my way.

LOVE smiled in my garden whilst all I could hear
were crows cawing endlessly and an aeroplane in the air.
Chickens in the distance, no sign of human race
here to appreciate this peaceful breathing space.
I stood looking, thinking, breathing, in the morning hour,
'minding my memory that effort needs hard labour,
to plant seeds, nurture them before they come to fruition,
whilst wild plants need controlling for a calming vision.
A Garden to be controlled.
A Garden is a Labour of LOVE.

I went to my duties, to be rewarded with six eggs.... oh is it omelette tonight?  BUT, as I returned via 'la Place' I considered to indulge in an entree with 'une verre du vin' at la cafe. It looked busy. I lost my nerve.  As I saw the 'oyster' people packing I regained my nerve.  Six 'moyenne' were opened. Happy was I to walk home with my plate, envisaging a picnic, nay a feast, in the sunshine of a garden. All for 2e50.

OH MY GOSH... I am sometimes a woman who knows how to treat herself kindly. We ate, my cat and I.  Well she didn't much fancy an oyster nor 'les poivrons rouges farcie au thon',  exquixotically incroyable!  Part of a little crottin, (not my cat!!!), goats cheese sadly non cru followed with biscuits, dates et guacamole, a touch of peppery spice! I ate lemon rind knowing it's good for my tummy!  All awash with a Montbazillon 2013, half bottle, bought for last Noel.

In the warm sunshine I read,  slept, weeded.  I took some selfies but I look old!  I wanted to stay outdoors...but needs must bow to 'warmth inside' when the heat of day disappears!!! Thank you for my lovely lazy day!

1 comment:

  1. A veritable feast! The weather looks so much better than it is here in the UK.


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