Saturday 21 July 2012

Un petit circulation

It's a new expression that was said by a French neighbour yesterday as we met whilst they were a walking in the town. A very contented, calm, polite, elderly couple who have probably lived in this village all their lives.
Today I made a 19km cycle ride, just a small circulation! It was my first ride of the year as now one bicycle has been attended. I am sure though that despite correcting the derailleur gears they won't long and a new set will be required. However I now have strong tyres so perhaps they won't keep requiring a pump up!  I was out for nearly 3 hours but I did stop to have an ice cream and drink as well as consult the map at almost every junction of the chemins on my return journey.
I had a hard day. trying to keep on task with domestic duties... needing to protect my head from too much thinking again, I just had to sleep for 4 hours in the afternoon. I suspect the wonderful UK expedition is still catching up with me and I need to rest!  Late nights don't help!
Now I'm cooking okra which I found in UK but know that the larger French supermarkets have it.

1 comment:

It would be lovely to hear what you think.