Wednesday 25 June 2014

Ile de Noirmoutier

This is a charming island of France. It's just that I was tired from a long drive from Bretagne - my car and I get ever slower! - therefore the camping experience and being alone without a bike in extremely hot weather colluded against me exploring and having fun.  For me it seemed that cyclism as tourism was better catered for in the Ile de Re.  I also thought that the Ile de Noirmoutier lacked the magic of Ile de Re. Maybe I need to spend more time looking at the architecture and landscape. 
Of course, these islands are first and foremost important agricultural and maricultural regions, essential environments cared for by farmers of land and sea for salt, potatoes, mussels, oysters, fish and much more. They have also become regions where flora and fauna, especially birds are protected. Tourism is an off-shoot or add-on which either helps or hinders their livelihoods.
I love the approach onto the island, the colours and the ah factor.  Although I would like to explore it further, there are so many other places to see that I think I will have to move onto another island! 

1 comment:

  1. Can see why you love it. A Southwold or Walberswick charm but with more Mediterranean plants & architecture.


It would be lovely to hear what you think.