Sunday 8 June 2014

My Cat


is such a naughty one!  This morning from a high vantage point on logs, she nonchalantly watches a wood-pigeon pecking crumbs in my courtyard, possibly from yesterday's last Workawayer alfresco luncheon which was mighty fine using the last of the never-ending cous-cous!

Me thinks ah.... pigeon pie! ***

A week ago, as reported earlier, she caught and killed a swallow!
Now, every creature has its place but ...

I'm training the cat to live outside at night in the atelier where she has cat-flap entrance! His Lordship has left and Madame insists!  I love our cat/his cat/my cat but she can be a nuisance and if I don't put cushions around the end of my settee where she and her sister used to scratch,  AND I catch her in the act, then I have to create a loud shouty 'NO' and I don't like doing that for mine own ears to hear!  It's the one place they scratched... and Big Feet has remembered all this time!

*** When I was nineteen I lived in board and lodgings in Winchester ... a rented room, with meals shared in the owner's kitchen.  She was French, bereaved, with a ten year old son. There were two other French student girls paying rent. One day, a pigeon appeared in the courtyard.  It was fed with grain ... this continued for several days! One day, the broom swathed through the air and French Madame waved her trophy in the air. I was horrified at the slaughter. Even more horrified that night or next day when Pigeon Pie was presented for the evening meal!  Being of a squeamish disposition in those delicate days, knowing nothing about people or life other than my narrow towny-eyed vision, I was keen to return to London at the end of the academic year!

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