Saturday 14 June 2014

Not a soul

at nine thirty in the evening.

1 comment:

  1. This is supposedly one of the reasons why some friends of ours returned to the UK after living full time in France for three years.
    I didn't really believe them. If you were to walk round most small towns or villages in the UK at 9.30pm you would find them just as deserted, most people being indoors watching the telly. That's if the weather was conducive to walking the streets at that hour, which mostly it isn't.
    And you most certainly would not want to be walking around the streets of most large towns, unless you had a strong enough stomach to be not offended by the lager louts and ladettes spilling onto the pavements from the bars and pubs, with too much flabby flesh and foul language in evidence.
    Your street looks far more civilised!


It would be lovely to hear what you think.