It does seem a bit odd that the signwriter had to make a space in the word 'Fre nch'. It is a franchise... (another French mot!)
Two views from the troisième étage of my Logis hotel.
The dungeon very imposing next to the Market Halles
The Ancient Oratory was interesting.

This is the Mairie...
and a MuseumIt is in the Land of Melusine, hence the dragons...a clever way of allowing vehicles into a pedestrianised pavemented area of centre-ville.
Some buildings if one looks up high have been touched and retouched!
Towers and pinnacles on more church buildings:
I saw several rooftop gardens from down below.
I love this building because of the not quite symmetry with the open windows on one side. I haven'tseen this style in France before. Fascinating.
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