I read this 12 years ago when it was first published ... the copy is in my attic.
Q: Why not on a bookshelf? A: I don't have one as my previous house had an inbuilt library!
A friend bought this copy from a UK charity shop! Unfortunately, it was a slow and tedious read both readings, however, this time, I would wake in the middle of the night to read a few more chapters and came to enjoy the book.
Today is Saturday but I post this to my blog on Sunday yet moved the posting to Thursday!
I don't know why I am so exhausted. I was reading before and after sleeping under the duvet, on the settee, in front of the fire. Unusual for me! I think it was a combination of Friday, a headache, THE RAIN, the desire for change and for the pile of chores to disappear!
There are more than enough reviews and it best to go to
Joanne Harris' website for all you wish to know. It's about insiders/outsiders and pessimism/optimism. The frailty of human life which is dependent upon age, employment, lifestyle. It is about birth/death and how LIFE struggles on, despite all that occurs...well, until we die! The thread in the story is the belief that if something departs or is lost it will return. It's a bit of a cliffhanger ... suddenly the tale ends and one wonders.
I have read the 2nd,3rd,4th 5th of her published books. I think I stopped buying when I realised there was a pattern. I own THE FRENCH KITCHEN which I rather like!
I miss the sea...but probably would not wish to be near the angry 'hungry dog' on the west and south of the British Isles.