Monday 17 February 2014

Poetic thinking about absent adult children in Spring

Sunday morning sun is shining glistening dew on grass.
Crisp it feels, but not too cold under the blue-bright clear sky.
Wearing a coat I sit... on a fuschia pink chair... drinking tea... eating toast with marmalade.

I watch a mostly black bumble bee arrive on the stone wall to sun himself.
I feel the need to sun myself.
There is a yearning to be outside...
to titivate the garden... to walk... to cycle... but inside there are chores.
There is a yearning to have company...
to share ideas about the making of a home with a garden of thoughts.
There is a yearning to share Time...
as it passes in the thoughts of a garden where Life shortens day by day.

Morning sun is shining... but glistening dew-like droplets
are swept warmly away from my face with laughter
as bright sunlight spears my eyes and dries the joyful tears
to move morning thoughts optimistically forwards.
Like The Spring as it moves forwards from The Winter.

We grow like daffodils pushing through verdant grass to raise their sunny lemon heads.
We grow to enjoy LIFE without the presence of all those whom we love -
children, family, friends.
Yet here in my garden in France, and in my garden of love,
absent like the daffodils in their beds
they are waiting to show up!
I am waiting for the next step.
Shake up. Shape up.
Be like the busy black bumble bee. 
Look for the warmth before we rust away.

Monday update: 
Another very warm day... that did not turn cold until 17h. The sky stayed clear all day with WARM sunshine whereas yesterday there were afternoon showers. There is a brilliant setting sun. I see red streaks in the sky at 18h.
On Sunday morning I was so overjoyed with the signs of Spring that I started to think that France on a glorious warm February morning is such a golden treasure. 
Yesterday, I was thinking about my grown up children and thinking that because of the choices I made about life they cannot be here to enjoy what I enjoy! Neither can I be with them to enjoy what they enjoy!!!! I keep tweaking the words... a wordsmith takes time to be happy with expression of a deeper depth of feeling. This 'poem' has been an attempt  to say how much I love them... as much as morning sunshine... as much as dancing daffodils... and more!!!!!!

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