Thursday 15 May 2014

End of an Era

Today, he sold his house, where once I resided.
I accompanied him to the Notaire as the chief traducteur ....and this time, I was the little bird that said  'bravo'.....
Eleven years ago he asked  me to accompany him to be French resident and give courage! I did that and more and in so doing it drained me of my own courage!!!!!!!!
Now, with self-confidence but considerable emotional pain of which I am not ashamed for it is the essence of who I am, I am able to foster and help further his courage yet again, so that he can master fears of flying and travelling alone to Asia, despite having travelled to Israel and afar when he was in his late teens / early twenties!
Although I have a strong urge to travel, I appreciate that we cannot re-kindle what once we would have liked to do, when we said we would explore the fields of France and Europe.
SO ... I am filled with a deep sadness.

BUT WHEN I ASK MYSELF WHETHER I WANT IT RE-KINDLED I AM AMBIVALENT because of the very lovely generous, warm, caring and once-upon-a-time-fun side of him and then the absence of things I know I need now, which is more humour, laughter, fun whilst doing the hard work as well as assistance on the house and in the garden and in my life ...  I need to be flexible, sometimes planned but sometimes spontaneous and flexible on changing minds.  I need someone to share interests and although we have shared a love of food, walking, cycling, places and people and even music, art and architecture, something has been missing and I know not what. Once upon a time I trusted him implicitly with everything and poured my heart and soul into him... maybe that was the mistake... he could then have a lever on all my failings!  I thought he was my soul mate and yes he was... but .... there we go!

I know that I need security.  Therefore, I could never travel without a base to return to. 
Perhaps now that he has booked his tickets he will start to generate positive thoughts and plans.   We have discussed his opportunities ... he must profit from the opportunity before him .... such a luxury!  And rather than wait in the house going nowhere, now he can go somewhere, wherever his little bird takes him!
I already weep and know not why!!!!!!!!!! LOSS!
I read that SADNESS is a signal that one should be open and begin to trust...
But one should look forward. 
I am trying...
I almost envy him what he has created ... the freedom to go.... not to be shackled by property and French stone property.
I admire what he is about to do and admire the fact that he may get to pick mangoes!
I hope he sends a postcard!

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