Wednesday 19 November 2014

Not quite a County Show

An agricultural event at the Exhibition Park, Poitiers was a display of perhaps Best of Breeds from other shows, yet here the cattle were being judged for Championship of Limousin beef. This gentle giant, Felicien was well tethered, possibly sedated and the Champion male! 
It was free entry - wonderful to keep children happy for part of a wet afternoon. We arrived for a 15e lunch which included wine carafes on the table, refilled as they were emptied. 14 persons to each long table.  I should think at least 300 covers if not more with polite and speedy service to the table. Plastic plates but real glasses and cutlery.  The starter was a salad with probably turkey livers, Main course was a superb faux-filet with a teaspoonful of canned haricots beans and several freshly cooked Charlotte potatoes.  A slice of goats cheese and a yummy sugary factory produced chocolate caramel dessert made us in good cheer to view the animals in their stalls or cages.

 The Poitou de Baudet donkey, an ass, was lovely, as also were the mules.
There were sheep, goats, chickens, geese, rabbits, pigeons, ride on mowers and tractors on display.

1 comment:

It would be lovely to hear what you think.