Tuesday 25 November 2014

Tuesday Things I Love: Door Furniture

I like bat artwork.... I once owned and regret the sale of Bat Cottage
I would like to know the story of this, which looks oriental, not French.
Who lives behind the door who can afford to show such opulence and grandeur?
I wonder if the door came with the large motif because they seem to have the same patina.
PS... On reflection and with a little research, this is possibly Chinese / Feng shui ...
bat = prosperity
knot = infinity, happiness, long life, wealth
lilies = calm mood
coins or discs = wealth
chain = maybe another eternity symbol
4 = four elements (fire, earth, water, air) or directions (N.S.E.W.)
7 balls = energy and also seven chakras of the body

It is REALLY nice!


  1. That's a terrific door boss. I've never seen one like it before. Where is it?


It would be lovely to hear what you think.