Nearest the house is Sorrel which I dislike but make myself eat occasionally in an omelette!
This year I managed to find a beautiful rose that I had in the previous garden called Tequila Sunrise, still small but should reach about 1.50cm height and spread.
Then this year I put two Gaillardia plants
after which is a deeper hued David Austin Rose - Chianti - I adore the rich dusky hue. In this photo it is looking too bright.
After that are two blue Ceanothus bought at different times. I can't work out if they are the same variety. I know they are too close together so will risk moving them in Autumn. Must dig in old horse manure. Must learn to prune so they get bushy.
Then sandwiched between three (looks like two) Laurel which E. told me to hard prune or dig out, is a small Choisya being dwarfed by it's neighbours. I intend to move this further up the garden. Waiting for rain to penetrate the soil.
Originally, the three Laurel were the start of a hedging plan when I could not afford to do the 25m length. I wanted to conceal my neighbours. I realised a fence was required in front of the dwarf stone party wall with a wire fence on top. I quite like the evergreen element and maybe that is good for birds so these unsightly hedge plants which grow like topsy may have to be constantly pruned into spheres as they are more or less central to the length of this border. After the Laurel is a series of much smaller roses. I had no idea what to buy! I purchase roses by name, colour and try to get ones that are 'remontante', which flower profusely and repeatedly throughout the spring and summer season!
The first is Peter Beales Shrub rose - Hybrid Musk 1928 - 120cm - Francesca ... my grand daughter's name! Funnily, it is very wayward and straggly! I wonder who the lady was that it was named after! Not my g.d.!
then for my daughter Felicity, Peter Beales Shrub Rose - Hybrid Musk 1928 - 120cm - Felicia neat in the pink when it buds!
Peter Beales Shrub Rose Hybrid Tea 1984 - 75cm Remember Me yet to bloom and looking poorly |
David Austin Hybrid Tea 80cm Freedom - yellow next to Peter Beales Floribunda Cluster Rose - 60cm Sexy Rexy |
Unknown name - maybe better in a pot. |
David Austin - Olivia Rose Austin 80cm pink when it blooms |
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David Austin Boscobel 80cm red when it blooms |
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Unknown name |
and after that is a Lamprocapnos spectabilis or Dicentra ( called also Bleeding heart, Dutchmans breeches, Lyre flower, Lady in a bath!)
Must get photo
About here in the border I abandoned the rose and lavender plan. I squeezed in some wild flower seeds, transplanted self seeded poppies, and homed a rhubarb plant. Also have put some sweetpeas to train up an old wine rack...had to attach string to get them to climb.
Must get photos later.
In front of the roses are different varieties of lavender. I must take cuttings as evidently one should annually to ensure continuation. Lavender gets straggly and can suddenly die off. As they are at least 4.50e a plant I have to make savings! For two years now I have made lavender bags using the coloured bags for putting wedding almonds in! A 'no sewing' gift! Everyone loved them and they were easy to post! French Lavender even though Lavender is English!