The barbecue at a friend's house was fun with seven children under seven and how lovely that the youngest who knows me well came several times to sit on my lap and chat... maybe it had to do with him arriving at the front of his house as I arrived and me catching him unawares, asking him if he was up to mischief. Was he a scallywag. Yes, he said! Ergo, he will now be called 'earwig'... My son was always affectionately known as Earwig because he too was an intelligent child always up to mischief as children should be!!
Earlier in the week I took the weeds in black 'poubelles' to the 'dechetterie' and filled one with their compost ...but it's a dry compost. This morning I made myself go to purchase more of the right kind of soil to pot up camelia, magnolia and other plants for the courtyard. I got a huge bag of straw for the potatoes but I would rather have a bale of straw - no known farmers, except the Maire! I very naughtily bought 6 right royal strawb plants named Charlotte, lettuce and kale plants and must find a space in the garden for them!!! Must finish the task today and mow that lawn!
So much to do ...Today is a grey day for "The Feast of the Ascension"...
this Salon has to be cleared by the end of the day!! Ciao!
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