Saturday 2 May 2015

Briefly in The West Country

In addition to Dorset where another cousin was not at home (this is their porch)
I stopped to have a fine lunch of pigeon breasts on what seemed to be half a muffin soaked in juices, a glass of Pinot Grigio, a glass of Bumbleberry juice and a glass of water.  I was driving and it was hot. I returned to my cousin's house but she was still not there. No, I hadn't planned to disturb her from 'much to do' on my account. They have sold their house. It was a risk I took and the journey was not out of my way 'en route' to my next staying place, before I trundled across Bulbarrow Hill. I love it up there!
Amazing countryside once one gets off the red routes! Oooooooh and the views.... I just wanted to pause, but it was single lane and as I had caught up with a tractor trailer, one just could not stop! In addition to Somerset, Devon and Dorset,  I'd journeyed across England from East to West, visiting my mother and brother on the way. It was a great drive on motorways past Coventry and Worcester, past the Malverns and down to Taunton.  Took me three and a half hours and then an hour to find a hotel with a vacancy! I would like to explore that country north of Bristol and south west of Birmingham and maybe even into Wales.  I would like to appreciate and explore more of the British Isles.

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