Sunday 19 July 2015

Yesterday, rock

a french rock concert  was held at La Salle des Fetes. I was glad I stayed and learned a lot by asking questions and talking in French and English... ah... a new association in the village to promote artistic events!  Ah, a breath of fresh air!!!!
Then I drove to Lurais for superb young modern / hip music concerts!!!! Nice evening it was!!!!!
I quite liked the shadows on the church wall. Can't quite imagine a rock concert being allowed next to a UK church!
 There was a brilliant female singer in one group...and then the next used cine screen footage and typed message. However, after five or six of their pieces I though the music was same same same!
All musicians were brilliant but the violinist, clearly the leader, stole the showw, which was a shame i some ways, because I wanted to hear more from each talented artist and especially the accordionist. Great dancing music! I think the violinist certainly had eastern european violin culture in his blood.
 My digital camera produced this of the violinist. I quite like it!

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