Showing posts with label Workawayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Workawayers. Show all posts

Friday 31 October 2014


Two more Workawayer girls aged 19/20 arrived.  Lovely personalities. I learned before they arrived that one had had her ID and bank cards stolen in Paris just before they were to visit the Eiffel Tower.  What a terrible experience!  They were confused by my English vehicle with French number plates having thought I would be French!  Also in California they have left hand drive vehicles!!
A late evening arrival after Cakes Fest meant soup followed by potato and onion quiche. They declined soup! They were quite discombobulated by being in a safe place! Next day, we started to sort unsorted hard copy photos.  As I thought I would cry buckets of tears,  it was a surprise to be happy, discovering wonderful memories and events that defined who I am or who I was, photos of my lovely children in their teens, and school creative arts work that was a dissertation for year one of an Arts degree!  I never did any more for that degree. Shame!  The two girls having listened to my stories as each photo or event revealed itself said they hope that when they get to my age they will treasure such memories and have their own treasures.
The weather was against us but then the sun shone. They had no garden footwear or work clothes!!!!!  One wore my Keen open sandals and one wore plastic bags tied with blue garden string over her plimsoll like shoes. We mowed one lawn and took a trailer of weeding and pruning debris to the déchetterie as it was too wet to burn.  There was carrot and coriander soup, rice and veggies plus apple crumble which continued at breakfast time. We did 4½ hours work.
The following day, as the weather was wetter, we went to a large market, a medieval town, frescoes in an abbey, to see something of French history and French life! After a courgette soup lunch we tackled the sweeping of a dusty attic, moving work tables and a few other things but I let them us retire by 6pm. We did 3½ hours work.  In the evening one said it was the best beef she had ever tasted.... collar of French reared beef with onions, shallots, mushrooms, wine as a kind of boeuf bourgouignon.   It was served with creamy, buttery mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli followed by Pear Tarte Tatin fait a main!  During the day they were given full permission to eat the contents of the CCC box as soon as possible!  Fortunately for my budget they do not drink alcohol and prefer to be vegetarian. They rarely eat American beef but told me to please not mention burgers 'cos they don't count as beef!  I think this was irony! Evidently, they have a sweet tooth - there is a challenge to provide desserts!
Sunday was a late start. The clocks had fallen back too!  I could have stayed in bed easily until midday but I arose dutifully to a silent household and walked for almost an hour. Then épautre toast and marmalade breakfast, whilst clementines (oronules) and grapes were disappeared fast! We agreed to do personal tasks then go to an Autumn Fruits fête, but were disappointed when we couldn't find it in the advertised village. So glad not to have cycled! Butternut squash and Fennel soup, roquefort cheese and rocket plus the second half of the pear tarte tatin was enjoyed in hot, hot sunshine in the back garden - a very rare event this year! They mentioned that they hadn't had ice cream for all their weeks in France and looked surprised that 'as a host with the mostest' I produced caramel ice cream.  However, I was told quite firmly that it's not the same as Californian ice cream!  Oh well!  We cycled to the Roc-aux-sorciers centre, (my third visit using my pass), followed by an hour on the road on two wheels. Back home I was surprised that it could be chilly with full sunshine before six pm. It was humid outdoors and the washing which was almost dry was more wet than when it was hung out! In fact, it was a clear night with stars quite visible! I disturbed a toad trying to hibernate in the small logs! We ate Linguine with Walnuts:  Sauté garlic and shallots in olive oil,  add roughly chopped walnuts and freshly chopped parsley, basil or rocket (dried if you must!) and a few breadcrumbs. Cook linguine in boiling salted water. Drain. Mix and serve with with freshly grated parmesan type cheese. We were big on fruit salad with wonderful fresh citrus fruits from Spain! 
Monday: They moved a trestle table which sounds easy but it wasn't because we had to dismantle it, and find the screw bits and screws etc to put it back together! It took ages as we rifled through my friend's toolbox. Fortunately one knew how to use MY electric drill but it still took three of us to remove the battery pack!!!!! Ggggggrrrrrr!!!!  Meanwhile, I started to clear more space in my attic and they brought all the photo boxes downstairs. I sorted them into people and assigned a box to each of son, daughter, cousins, family, me, my life with former partner and his house and my house before that! The girls helped  to find plastic boxes, clean and label, fetch and carry and although each box is ready for the second sort they do look neat in the attic!  I had to clear by 4pm, the incentive being that my cousin was arriving possibly at about five and there was evening supper to make....what madness is it to think that roast chicken and veg is easy?... but with three women to peel and prep vegetables and make a fruit salad we were done in no time. The chicken started to be roasted at 2pm!  It was lovely to have company enjoying slightly burnt roasted root veg and Mediterranean veg ... the chicken had been deboned and served in a 'fresh from the garden' tarragon sauce! 
Tuesday:  After a shared breakfast my workawayers were set to weed courtyard and rockery without supervision but when I noticed them sitting on wet ground to pull out every blade of grass, I realised they needed to be shown how to hoe and rake grassy gravel! I set my cousins to walk down through oak woodland to the river, mill and bridge, but I double backed at top speed jogging and fast-walking through the chemins, my walk curtailed  to get a Roquefort and Walnut quiche in the oven as they wished to leave at one pm! What a rush when we only got up at 8h15!  Then I ordered, yes, ordered the girls to go walking the same walk for three reasons: a) they hadn't been for a walk, b) they need to explore my village, c) I needed space to go to sleep!!!!!!! They were happy with the reasons! There followed a food fest.  I had started a deep squishy bread based pizza! They made French Macarons which took a lot of time and required me to scuttle about to find a sugar thermometer?... yes, I do have one... an icing bag and nozzles? ... yes, I have those too!  We had already checked that we had the ingredients!
We agreed to make up hours on Wednesday so we worked from nine until five with half an hour for lunch and cleared a lovely space in the attic! I started to sort various boxes but there is so much more to do!!!!!!! I have two people giving me deadlines. One says Easter and I say the end of the year!  I need to be monitored!   We also mowed a lawn and weeded ivy etc of the wall! We ate Tartiflette made with good quality Reblochon cheese. and also a red-kidney-bean casserole with a mashed celeriac topping.  They wanted beans!
Thursday, they caught the train to Cannes via Paris.  Their next hosts are very accommodating and kind! They are very brave to be travelling without a homeward bound ticket. They plan to go to Switzerland, Germany, England. They know not after February!
When I asked what had they learned they observed that they can do a lot in a short space of time and had learned how to cook... and when I asked what had they enjoyed they said FOOD! They were starbright gems!

Wednesday 13 August 2014


The staircase created a dark corner in the 40m2 Grand Salon. Workawayer iii started to sand it by hand. This was extremely difficult for him or anyone even though we had the correct sandpaper to remove varnish.  Four years ago when the beams were sandblasted it was thought it would be too harsh for the staircase but I now wish we had tried.  Nevertheless, I asked the Workawayer to paint the underneath; it is surprising how much reflected light has been brought into that corner.  All the paint cans stored below have been removed and the 'cave' (pronounced 'carve') beneath the staircase has a cherry wood lid. That has been treated for woodworm as have the stair treads.  So I am hoping this little niche will become a place to sit and read! The hanging electrical wire is because I need safe electricity upstairs and for some reason the electrician didn't update the wiring or plugs and I need two lights in the attic space. Hence, a trail of wiring!

Thursday 7 August 2014

Early August accomplishments for Workawayers and their host!

Last Thursday was a push as was This Thursday!
I started to find it difficult to wake before eight so 'twas eight thirty after breakfast, before work commenced. Then they started yawning...  but "onwards... keep up"... the hard-task-mistress said!
Wii painted back of staircase risers a choice of colours and eventually 'first thoughts' won - to use F&B 'Elephant's Breath'... which turned out to be more mushroom than grey!  BUT done it is!
Wiii and I made a start on sorting music and books that were mine and not mine.
The piano music was easy to do.. I shed a tear hear and there! But boxes of recorder music etc remain unopened with a label of what I must do with them.
We started on the books that were mainly fiction. I'm tempted to count how many but that would be OCD!  I sorted information books last September but a few more were discovered.  Some books were assigned to the pile to be read or read again as supplies have run out! ... and some are being kept because they hold sentiment and define who I am...  Some were designated to 'charity shop' boxes for anyone with a vehicle to take to uk! Others were 'bundled' by author or style and are ready for Day One of the 'Book Festival'. Others are designated for ebay sales, but initially will try to be sold at 'book festival'. Others are worthy of ebay sales!  That is PLAN A.
We continued on Monday and Tuesday as more books were found in the car boot sale STUFF spewing over the attic floor, all of which was sorted item by item, designating some for Emmaus, some for 'the hole in the ground'.  The surplus was organised not by price as I had done before but labelled as DIY/Renovation or HOUSEHOLD or CHILDREN's or CRAFTS or CLOTHES...It was one way to do it and made sense to me!
The highlight of Thursday was the hot, hot weather and a four hour canoe event with me sitting as the Queen guarding the picnic and valuables whilst my dutiful servants rowed up stream and down! They wanted to! We all loved it!
It took Wii five hours to paint all of back staircase two coats of top coat whilst we were in the attic ...and then an hour to clear the site! I had to 'be behind' so to speak, to clean to my satisfaction as there were drips of paint on woodwork and tiling... done it is.
Wiii negotiated cancellation of extra hours to cover travel costs. I accepted a small financial payment.
I discussed the same subject with Wii who was unwilling to pay for that service in any kind!!  To Wii I gave four hours travel and two distances of petrol costs without an exchange!
Friday evening, I reluctantly drove to a music gig for 'Les Heures Vagabonds'... and once I got there, I enjoyed wandering around town, feeling the ambiance, listening to not good singing but ok piano, observing those who watched the performers without a beer in their hands and Brits around the bar!!!!!! and felt that I was being a good host.
We were invited for morning coffee but declined to accompany them to a chateau... we had planned to cycle a circular route which took us two hours. This was our second spree on wheels. I'd doubled the distance because it suited me!  It has been wonderful to see my village and surrounding area as if I was a guest!  It was also a baking day, teaching them how to make savoury bread, pear tarte tatin, make jam and cook Lasagne! Whirling dervishes in the kitchen!
After a sort of lie-in and Lasagne leftovers for lunch, we cycled to the premiere of a medieval fete outside of my village.   However, we arrived in the French lunch hour when nothing was happening!  It seems silly to me that punters cannot purchase at unmanned stalls!  Still, harmonious and tranquil besides! We rested with aperos before wandering and cycling home where we all had an afternoon nap! We were invited to an evening meal for six pm start... then proceeded to another friend's garden down by the river for the spectacular fireworks event... (must learn how to take photos instead of clicking happily!)  I was disinclined to go to the fairground with little kiddies and those who were taller than me, but rallied enthusiasm... THEN, quel horreur,  they were invited back to the friends' for drinks and although I didn't wish to, I decided it would be better if I went so I could get them home not too late! (HELP!!! I don't need to be acting like a parent or someone in authority but this developed following the similar experience two weeks ago!) "TIME", I called several times. I left at three in the morning... arrived home less than ten minutes later and started wringing my hands...and phoned twice to see if they had left. At 3h20 I was cross! Understatement! I couldn't turn off lights nor secure gates to potential intruders which would be a most unlikely event... but anxiety won and I was certainly displeased when I noted the winding action as they arrived at my gates. Unusually, street lights were left on past 23h!  I need my sleep at my age, knowing that I had to travel at 8 am to get Wii to his train! A bear with a sore head springs to mind!  Maybe I over-grumbled that morning! Eventually, there were apologies all round and from myself too!
I must learn to let go!
Monday and Tuesday
Displaced hours and energy levels collided but Wiii achieved conquering my belongings into an order that I know now I can continue with.  Looking at it won't strangulate me!  Of course, it will take time over time but I feel that I will be able to chip at the mountain of boxes! It has to be my business to get it done! I am grounded with the cat and my stuff!  Wiii demonstrated how to cook an excellent goat curry and the host demonstrated how to cook duck breast in the French manner...the latter was supposed to be for three, but hey ho two ate it all! On the last day of shared Workawaying Three ladies, C, L, E, newly formed friends, indulged in an English cream tea at The English Tea Shop in the shade of parasols sheltered from hot sunshine.  Thereafter followed wistful farewells.
After another journey to Poitiers train station I did domestics and dishes to make the house look presentable for visitors who wished to admire progress. Then I slept like a baby ... and the next day too! and so did Baby Big Feet!
I know when I am tired because I begin to binge eat, drink copious quantities of tea, my legs ache, the body aches.  I know fibromyalgia, old age and physical tiredness have won!  I have been 'going at it' for what seems to be since February,  helping others and helping myself.  It has been a fantastic, progressive, productive year so far!
Never underestimate WORK! It has to be the Way of Life and what on earth would anyone do if there was none?  I have no intention of being lazy or bored but sleep I must have!

Heading into the depths of August, whilst still feeling the heat of Summer, one is confronted with cold mornings and evenings with moisture on the grass. It feels Autumnal but sunflowers are still aglow in the fields. Yesterday and today rain prevented bedlinen reaching the great outdoors!

Onwards indeed, I have so much to do after sleeping, before the next WORK and the next GUESTS and the next HOLIDAY!   Change is as good as a rest! Meanwhile, that lawn is growing greener!

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Wednesday progress

Woke up, got out of bed, had a shower to cure an aching head!
Workawayer ii stripped more ivy off stone wall - it isn't a priority but somehow it became a task to make my other land neat and tidy!  Two feminine creatures assisted W ii by pruning shrubs so that the wall could be accessed. We hauled debris to trailer, car and bonfire pile... and had to concede that   the dechetterie visit involving at least an hour of time was necessary!  More clearance, coffee, chat and then W ii started priming underneath of rough wooden treads and risers of staircase,  whilst we sorted 'someone's books' that I foolishly offered to sort into boxes for English charity shop. Authors will be bundled and I hope to try and sell at book fair on 15th August and if not, the.  goodness where! Some might sell on ebay. Some I keep to read, then dispose of or will display on a book case when I get one!   It has been suggested that i dig a hole in the ground and bury the lot!  I suppose that fate will come to us all!
I have 'a business area' developing in the attic... oh my, it is going to take hours until I change Plan A to Plan B etcetera!  I made progress and could make use of more Workawayers but also it is an i position on daily life and my own expectations.
A friend came to visit briefly. I couldn't stop for long! Lunch was pasta, ratatouille and emmenthal cheese.., then we shopped altogether between time for ourselves.  Evening meal was mackerel fillets, three time sautéed chippies and a green salad, my bread, crottin de chevre and raspberry jam. An American invention! followed by leftovers of Apricot cheesecake! I was too full to eat the last!   A walk was necessary before Scrabble, out of the town, down lanes and into la Place!
Work was a bit lax for us ladies but we need to step up Thursday and Friday! I need to achieve ICT knowledge ... and mow those lawns! Weeds are growing too fast!

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Tuesday almost midnight

I absolutely love the smell and action of ironing tea towels which was my first task before the two emerged!
We moved very long, nailed and twisted roof rafters to the newly created shed space. They seriously remarked that I require a Workawayer with a chainsaw, laughingily commenting that best not to advertise for such!  They offered to finish painting the bed which was cluttering the room since Friday when rain ruined paintwork. A little sanding was required and after it was dry, wrapped it in a blue plastic bache and returned it to the attic with stuff left whilst the former partner resides in Asia!
Number ii removed more 'grimpant' ivy from the stone wall. It is surprising how thick the stems are and how they have wriggled through the 60 cm wall.
Number iii helped to sort sheet piano, recorder, accordion and school music and music text books! OMG!!! I reduced the KEEP pile to less than half. Ten years of tears ago I could NOT do that, so it is an achievement. Now there are boxes of music designated to sell, to dispose of and a flow plan telling me the stages and choices of what to do!  The boxes to keep MUST reach a book case...(have got to buy one) to fulfil my self promise to re-learn sounds I love in dark winter months.  There were two boxes unopened since ten years of those tears ago; recorder part music and school music archives. I was proud of my achievements then! Have got to seek advice from English Colleges of Music as to who may be interested in the former... maybe the Society of Recorder Players.  Looking at it all, not hidden under blue baches caused an anxiety and panic attack... It's a process! A friend tells me she has many friends of our age all doing the same. Karma! It's about Memories of our former lives!
Feeling overwhelmed by work... feeling tired after excitement, joy and shared fun company. Thank goodness I shall have just a few days before family arrive.
Famished today! Lunch was three omelettes filled with Emmenthal cheese. We ate it with beetroot, lettuce, walnuts, followed by apricot shortcake and tea. The quality not the quantity was praised!  Evidently, one workawayer HOST served ONE omelette the same size as mine to three people! Workawayer ii was hungry that week!
We each slept for two hours. I knew I was on the edge ...yet, somehow a shower/bath is so, so, so good for my psycheeeeeee!  Then  a bike ride on a favourite circuit... we walked into a field of sunflowers though not as tall as Workawayer number ii...
The breeze was fresh.  Clouds were moody. I remembered how I love cycling in such weather!
It had to be an alcohol free day... Elderflower cordial in wine glasses tricks my mind!  Dug potatoes created a Tartiflette without lardons but with true Reblochon cheese served with Tim's strangely shaped zucchini with cubed lamb sautéed in honey and cream! Second  helpings finished the dishes.
I can't sleep - worried about 'how to do' the attic,. Maybe I shall just help in the garden to begin with.
There are lawns to mow and weeds to dismiss! Work is the key to living!
The Fibonacci spiral

Monday 28 July 2014

Monday afternoon

A little space to myself as Workawayer ii, who it seemed did not like walking, has suddenly come alive, and he and the pretty Girl from Ohio have gone for a walk together. I am not sure if she planned to go alone! However, they are both extremely pleasant and hard working!  There are quite a few jocular statements about me being a hard taskmaster, about the teacher in me and how I don't like to waste anything but find a use for it if I can! I used to take the first two statements as criticisms from people but now I laugh it off and this morning I have joked back! ... I am who I am and isn't that wonderful? ... for the first and longest period in my life (about a year) I have really been loving myself!
The dynamics have changed and we are having such fun. I couldn't get to sleep last night because of Workawayer ii keeping lights on until after midnight but I had to get up especially when I discovered the bright light was the fridge door open and Workawayer ii making a comment about a fly in the fridge! I expect he was getting iced water.  He doesn't raid the larder! They are such trustworthy people!
Saturday I was really wound up, nervous and well behind in prepping living areas. It was a two hour return journey so I decided to enter the centre of Poitiers because it was SO HOT and I was too ratched up! I needed to eat a sandwich and instead ate a strange cheap meal.  Later, Wii and I had a terrible shopping experience in a new VAST Leclerc superhypermarche which had the smallest of fruit and veg sections I have ever seen! I was so glad to be home to a cup of Earl Grey tea!

Today, we were supposed to head off into my attic (!!!!!) to sort sheet music.... but I needed to get started things finished... both Workawayers cleaned windows whilst I cleaned the Oval Room and Kitchen.  Wii sawed wood into two correct lengths to replace missing mattress supports, then painted undercoat.  After that he was sent to find woodworm killer and apply, as I discovered some under the staircase treads and in the cupboard beneath that, which the previous occupant used as cold store for wine! My very own 'cave'! Workawyer iii unexpectedly weeded my courtyard, deheaded pot plants and transplanted the almost spent 'pinks'.  It all looks so neat and respectable in my courtyard! I like initiative!
We had a lunch of quiche, sprouted mung beans (neither had tasted those before and one did not like them), lentils, olives, homemade bread and goats cheese, apples, water and tea... oh yes...and bread and raspberry jam.
Tomorrow the attic and remove the ivy from a stone wall!
This pm I poached the rest of the apricots and made an apricot shortcake and bread!
Now there is the top coat for the bed to paint, clear my living room and move paint on a temporary basis so that we can get on with more sorting. I only have four or five days of 10 hours work to make the best of!
It was initially a shock to me. I have worked alongside all my Workawayers and number ii was surprised!  It has been motivating, energising, demanding of my energy, reminded me of proactive planning and reactive planning, been great to have company and someone to share meals with, and occasionally to have someone to cook for me! I have not lived with anyone other than my children, a husband/partner, or when guests arrive for a few days, since 40 years ago when I lived with my husband and his business partner in three different houses (Surbiton and two villages in Suffolk) ...and no, before you think wild things, we were husband, wife and just a very best platonic friend! It was kind of student style but AJH paid us rent!
I have been on an enormous learning curve, having to emerge like a butterfly from a hermit crab lifestyle.
After my fears and trepidations which were immense, I am absolutely loving it!  I love nice people, young people who are willing to learn.  I hope that this week we can learn from each other.  I hope we can share cooking, get some activity, and learn about each other a little more... as well as achieve and finish tasks!
We enjoyed the brocante yesterday but it was too hot to be wandering. I bought a wooden heart shaped box as a future gift for someone!  They made very complimentary remarks about the party that we were invited to that afternoon / evening.  It was an excellent 'do' where food didn't stop arriving and the music was excellent. The international company was interesting and intriguing and celebrated the notional idea that a Granary was 800 years old!  It was good to be amongst acquaintances and new people with my Workawayers.  Thank you to S&S.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Accomplished on Friday

The shutters are painted...
plus one of my children's old pine bunk beds, which separated and made two single beds... out with the old and in with the new! Now they are Skimming Stone white to match the skirting boards.  I've had them for about 35 years!
One may still continue to belong to my former partner who is out in Asia doing Workawayer and having it seems some unpleasant experiences as well as good ones!   I left him some of my furniture but now he has sold his house and it has all been returned to me for storage If he ever returns to collect or dispose!
Ivy from the stone wall and other rubbish was taken to the dechetterie!
Workawayer ii cooked Tortilla.
The rain came again!
Photos are to come!
Must dash as Workawayer iii arrives today, Saturday!
Private space will be non-existent for ten days!

Friday 25 July 2014

Accomplished on Thursday

Finished primer/undercoat.
All bar one set of shutters have one coat of topcoat so haven't quite achieved target as 'le chaleur' stopped painting!
Scraped, filled, sanded, primed and repainted bubbled paint on interior of small room.
Cleaned windows therein and damp-wiped floor and all paintwork!
It is the cleanest room in the house! Ready for Workawayer ii to return!
Prepped lunch.
Baked bread; the dough was started day before and kept in cool room to halt rising!
Wrote emails.
Looked at blogs.
Rested in afternoon shade waiting to do a other few hours work!
Whilst the grass was cut by my assistant, I cleared ivy from some of stone wall and the side of my stable/garage but there is more to do!
Took aperos and prepared evening meal!

Thursday 24 July 2014

Accomplished on Wednesday

Work started on sanding shutters and doors which were last worked at by my own fair hands within a few weeks of owning this property. Why? Because they were either white or brown. Can't remember without consulting photographs.  I consulted my son by telephone, as we seem to be getting on much better. He said that if bare wood was showing after sanding, then to prime with undercoat because top coat would key better! So all 7 shutters and doors were sanded and half were coated with B.I.N. primer which does not need sanding! Whoopppeee!  With Workawayer ii, we hope to finish at least one top coat on all 7 on Thursday.
The small room window overlooking the road, though hidden behind shutters, revealed that it had never had a top coat on it...(out of sight, out of mind!)  but it had been sanded.... so a quick damp clean of all the cobwebs and dust, then a light sand.  I managed to get two top coats painted. In all 10 hour man hours of labour,  plus I did an hour at lunch time finding paint, preparing paintbrushes, putting cardboard on ground. The window had to be left open all night with shutters closed because I didn't want the draught insulation tape to peel off, nor the window to stick to the frame. Workawayer ii had to move bedroom, which was a good thing anyway as it needs a clean. Despite what I said about keeping windows and doors closed, or open with shutters closed, to keep his room cool, a plague of flies infested his room! Indeed, today there is an untold plague of flies, unseen in the four years I have lived here, so burning citronella candles and have placed squashed garlic on a saucer in rooms!
In addition, I walked long strides first thing in the morning to stretch the leg muscles, swept the courtyard, watered the potager, washed the linen, did the ironing, prepared fish pie with sautéed potatoes newly dug from my garden, served with steamed broccoli and a nice Burgundian Chardonnay................
All praises sung to Workawayers!
However, although I am a hard taskmaster, I am a good host, so do expect a little extra on the domestic side without having to ask and I was trained to say: "Is there anything I can do to help?" or just pitch in and help!  I am trying to educate but perhaps he thinks it is I with the problem! Hey ho!

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Accomplished on Tuesday

1. Clearing up house and admin. Prepping for day out.
2. Checking mower...doesn't yet need expensive service as previously thought when blue smoke was seen belching out of motor...patch of oil on garage floor.  I am aware there has been a slight leak for some time... checked oil at correct level, checked petrol, did two strips, all ok! Saved 100 euros.
3. Maire's signature obtained to verify 'je suis vivant' pour le pension!!!!!!!!
4. Workawayer ii chopped and sawed last of designated pile so I can walk through to stored kindling. In the next few days, might try to move larger wet beams to 'under shelter', to dry out for hopefully other volunteer Workawayers, rather than me, to saw into sections for my woodburner.
5. Workawayer ii collected broken bottle where lawnmower had evidently hit it when I had mown neighbours ground, which I have a right of access over.  It would be one metre high otherwise! Incredibly elderly neighbours pay for the land to be strimmed but never use it.  It can only be used as a potager! It has just been strimmed!
6. Took Workawayer ii to town for haircut and to buy basic phone. One hour journey.
Wii is very interested in computer technology which causes life to drift but he creates music and is very likeable... a young man, self-centric. 
7. Whilst in town, I had a dental appointment (main reason for journey). When I realised that the trainee assistant was left to detartrage / descale my teeth...I thought eeeekkk.... even though she took longer, it was much more calm, gentle and efficient, apart from the shower over my face and the fact that I was left to hold the water extractor and tissues to sop up water running down my neck!  BUT, despite the negative, "Yes please" to her!!!!!!!!!! and only 28 euros!
8. Before all that, a kine session, this time concentrating on the underside of my big toe which after the bunion op has been sore since January...
9. Later, did shopping at Auchan, (not Ocean, which a child in my class used to say) ... bought petrol, a quiche, an almond croissant, and withdrew cash from the bank which I thought I would never get when their printer went wrong... but ohlay and oohla... I have my money!
10. Picked up workawayer ii to speed up autoroute for workawayer's first ever IKEA experience and he loved it!  After I stopped for tea at 5pm, I bought more plastic boxes because the stuff in my attic will be reorganized...
11. and then HOME Jeeves, via cross-country route to a Moroccan lamb tagine, couscous and a fine Gaillac red wine, fine enough for my limited budget.
What a lucky Workawayer he is!
I am a lucky Host too!

Friday 18 July 2014

Workawayer II

Unexpectedly, he arrived one day early. Fortunately I was at home so he didn't have to wait too long for me to drive an hour to collect him.  Then it was Sunday, with a Festival in the village for two days. It rained 32mm! On Monday, the sun remembered it was July. After a morning and afternoon stroll along streets, a climb up and down stone steps to browse 'Les Artisanales', we were ready to view 'le chateau' whilst sitting on the lower terrace of 'La Bellevue' with a cold drink in our hands!
Savoury bread for lunch but my own tastes an inspirational purchase
Afternoon birthday cake enjoyed on 13th July rather than 11th. Malheureusement, I had to share, but it still lasted two days!
Evening meal - A Mighty Fine Fish pie
Akin to the Feu de St Jean .. but this one for Bastille day
Rockets propelled skywards to commemorate the Storming of La Bastille.
For Bastille Day we watched superbly loud fireworks across the river from St Savin Abbaye.
Day 2 of work broke into the chore of chopping and sawing kindling wood.  I helped to re-organise the wood store.  I worked from 8 to 8 which is the longest physical workday I have done since helping my friend move house!  I like physical work better when there is another person with me so that I can feel motivated and energised.
There is no more brown skirting board in Le Grand Salon!... and  there is a re-arrangement of furniture.  The staircase will be sanded!  We shared a french lesson on ce, cet, cette, ces as well as celui-ci etc... We are going to try and speak French every day and explore expressions, vocabulary  and of course le grammaire!
The workawayer. com suggestion is to do 5 hours max each of five days. However, they are expected to help with domestic duties, to share cooking and clearing up! There is always a never-ending list of jobs for the host or the guest. It is hard work for me as a host. I have high standards even with my own mess so work never seems to stop unless I flop!
The mower cable had to be rewired. As he didn't know how to do that... the modern person only ever sees sealed plugs, I did it!  The other mower possibly has to have the carburetor cleaned as it is churning out blue smoke!  I am unhappy because moles are making mountains under the cherry tree on my other land! I am also unhappy because someone has borrowed or stolen a plant trough...value 10 euros including plants and soil. There were eleven plus two concrete ones on the roadside so they decided to take a central one with red and white geraniums!  Why take that one in the middle of the row!! Ggggrrrr!  I am also unhappy that no one seems to have skills to repair bicycles so I am going to have to take the third one I have in my possession for a service... rusty brakes it seems!  I am beginning to feel rusty!

Saturday 5 July 2014

St Savin - Une nuit romane

L'abbaye de Saint-Savin sera sublimée par le Groupe F. - L'abbaye de Saint-Savin sera sublimée par le Groupe F. - (Photo archives)
The weather became crazy when at about 21h huge gusts of wind, thunder and rain sent spectators running to their vehicles.  We also returned after we had sat it out on a blanket under umbrellas, until they turned inside out and our anatomy became somewhat wet!  However, the evening was not cancelled as we'd imagined. Once we'd ditched one wet blanket for a dry one, we returned to the riverbank, ever hopeful. The organisers told us that the pianist would be cancelled but the firework illuminations would happen! When glimpses of blue sky returned, the pianist did play and the company GroupeF specializing in pyrotechnics created an incredibly beautiful and stunning spectacle after technical delays. A speech by Ségolène Royale to open 'Les Nuits Romanes' for this region was cancelled so she disappointed protesters concerned about unemployment.  Several people wearing fire suits that illuminated in the dark were like gorillas! They set sail on a boat that roared and created fire! The abbaye was illuminated with images of slavery, monkeys and coloured patterns. At one time fireworks ricocheted like a machine gun along the row of trees on the other side of the river, whilst rainbow coloured flares shot up on the diagonal this way and that!  The silver-lighted-dotted people came off the boat, climbed in the trees, crossed the bridge and operated fire puppets as well as the Catherine wheels on their backs. 
It was almost a two hour performance, or felt like it, and when it was time to depart,  our feet were like blocks of ice, our necks were cricked and it was hard to walk across the grass then along the road to return to our car! Most of the people and traffic had gone; a charming policeman pointed us in the right direction as blocked roadways prevented access to the bridge and other routes!
No, not us and No not Glastonbury! Between the squally storms.
These people gave me permission to take the pic... then I did so with their camera!

Friday 4 July 2014

No More Brown

The view  of the brown courtyard portal is No More Brown. The garden gates of my home, (affectionately known as Fort Knox) are now a beautiful silver grey - comme moi! heeheehee!
With HUGE and GRATEFUL thanks to Amanda without whom (as one says) I would be looking at Dark and Gloomy.  Her motto is HAPPINESS and she certainly has brought that to me via WORKAWAYERS.  So too has Steve her partner when they sanded and painted the vast French shutters a few weeks ago!
Transition stage

However, I removed the green plastic coated wire mesh at the base of the metal gates and have discovered that Big Feet slips through, so I must purchase posh silver netting as a deterrent for little dogs and cats to squeeze in and out of my courtyard from the roadway!
A battle between beauty, aesthetics, practicality and fortress protection! 
Now what do I do about those walls? 

This gives a good picture and explanation of how the gates used to be!!!!!!!! 

Saturday 7 June 2014

Grey gives a breath of fresh air

My Workawayers were the most loveliest of people...I have been so lucky!
I had already met A in my daughter's home town when I visited UK in March/April. Such a small world! We had already agreed an exchange of labour for accommodation and food, so to meet beforehand was re-assuring.  I planned various smaller tasks but in actual fact PRIORITY A absorbed the week, however, when wet, cold weather on Wednesday prevented painting, PRIORITY B was achieved sufficiently to secure broken posts and holes in a wired fence on PLOT 13!  Bravo S and A for removing the dead tree and sawing it for logs! PRIORITY C was to move the piano and filing cabinets, to sand and paint the skirting board behind.  GREAT! Three jobs done!
It is absolutely amazing to have beautiful grey linen-fold shutters (see comments) rather than nasty brown, badly varnished, ingrained with dirt, blotting the view on my lovely house shutters.  The cream on the cake was to see grey from the inside when looking out.   So uplifting!
I had no idea it would take so long.  I worked too at sanding and using the special expensive undercoat that seals and prevents resin and varnish permeating through the paint!  I knew how difficult it was!
When I was at work in my career I would often join the persons working according to 'my instructions' to see if it should take that long! ... or to see if there was a better way of doing things.  I love it when people have initiative, as S & A did ... I love being open to being wrong (hard as that is) and that someone else has a better or quicker approach because of their own experience or knowledge.
S & A were unimaginably energetic and proactive. I can see how being younger makes a difference! They started work at eight and continued for five hours each day.  A was so lovely that she painted the third top coat on the outer leaves of the shutters on the Saturday morning which was more than she was required to do.  I need to paint one or two more coats on the inside!  They have pride in their work. They were fantastic company and yet we did our best to respect personal space. We shared the love of good food, music, wine and quiet moments to rest. They used the bikes and explored the village.  We went to La Place but after 5 hours work each day, with inclement weather as the week progressed, it was not conducive to sit and watch the world go by.
They were very motivating and encouraging and so I have promised to take certain action!
Thank you to Susan for telling me about WORKAWAYERS.
Spring 2010 - old single glazed windows with brown shutters folded back
Summer 2013 - change tp double glazed windows without battens
Summer 2014 - grey shutters closed
Summer 2014 - double glazed windows with battens and grey shutters
Summer 2014 inside to outside

I have another young lady coming from Ohio who will arrive in several weeks time and the PRIORITY will be sorting STUFF!

Maybe the correct terminology is 'folding wooden shutters' ... or maybe they are bi-fold...

However, despite advice from builders, painters and decorators that the correct method would be to remove and paint flat, as in 'horizontal' ... we ignored advice on account of the peculiar flexibility and size of the doors.  In our opinion it was easier to open, close, fold in different arrangements to paint on both sides.  Initially, I was going to leave hinges unpainted but I did local research by wandering through the village on an bservational walk!  Hinges were left un-painted with nasty brown varnish but painted when les volets / the shutters were painted!

For those who are interested: we sanded the doors by hand as machines just jumped about...( maybe being on a flat surface would have helped but we didn't want the problem of not being able to get the doors back in situ!).  That took us 15 hours!  We removed all the shiny varnish and lumpy blackened dribbles. We did NOT sand to bare wood. Then we painted the doors and hinges with a product called Zinnsters B.I.N. which keeps the resin and varnish where it is!  It was recommended by Farrow & Ball for brand new pine skirting board.  After that S & A used modern vinyl brushes especially for water-based products and rollers but the brushes worked best.
The paint I used was being sold at a 40% on the last promotional day at LeRoyMerlin:
RIPOLIN EXPRO 3 for exterior wood and extreme weather.  I have enough for the gates but wish I'd bought more for the other type of shutters. The OUCH factor on my bank account nearly caused a heart attack!   THANK HEAVEN for WORKAWAYERS! I am now in Paradise when I look out of my bedroom and living room!