Last night a storm with over 30cm rainfall! Logs arrived at 8h30 - six steres which is two cords. They weren't much wet... meaning they are good dry logs, three years old!
It is true that I had agreed with the man that the second week of September was better for me because I'd anticipated assistance from a friend, whose agenda then changed! Instead, I was invited to 'les iles' and as I hadn't got there by myself as intended, it was all speed ahead to get Autumn garden, admin and household tasks sorted for an impending visitor to come and help me with some moderate tasks that need four hands!
Although I had thought about doing so, I didn't leave a note for the man to say my holiday week had changed unexpectedly from the first week to the second! Anyway, he was OK about it.
Last year, it was a nightmare when I had a female friend to help, AND I paid her son to help, AND the man had to chainsaw the 50cm logs into halves! It took she and me eight hours each!
Yesterday, I prepped the areas for potential stockage, contacted two female friends to see if they were likely to be available. It's OK ... I get used to challenges!
Logs arrived at 8h30. Annoyingly the bulk was discharged onto the road just near the back entrance. I wanted the lesser amount there. Not to worry. His vehicle cannot get into my courtyard. For an hour and three quarters I cleared the lesser pile of logs sprawled onto the roadside. Important to get the road clear!
Then coffee time! I ate that Ile d'Oleron croissant stuffed with apricot jam. But, as I put the pot onto the table it slipped and spilled onto my furniture and carpet! Coffee grounds everywhere! Fortunately, the chair fabric had been scotchguarded! Can I say that word with the referendum today? Also, the French say Scotch for sellotape! It was/is a brand name! Will they be able to say that word?
Then low, an Angel from heaven appeared, her name meaning Light, to help for an hour! She brought another wheelbarrow. Between us we moved the larger split logs and round ones, but as quite a few are weird shapes, they were set aside for the electric splitter at a later date!
My man has been good and not only has he delivered the logs in the requested 33cm lengths but also split quite a few.
First of all, find the half moon shaped logs and start to build the end stacks. Gradually fill the space between with the other logs. Keep the lengths the same and marry up the front edges (which I did not do!) In today's case, I had two rows developing, the shorter thirds and the longer thirds. It has stacked quite well. Small, thin round logs have gone to the back of the house as they are lighter to carry further to the indoors in the winter!
Half past noon and the risotto from yesterday was warmed. Need to take on carbs! I rested for less than an hour including 15 minutes with my back on the floor following the advice I received from the Alexander Technique man whom I saw in UK in April!
Worked for another couple of hours when I needed tea and cake. Thank you to those from the CCC whose cake slices are stashed in my freezer! Taken a second ibuprofen as my back reminds me it exists! It's a 45 minute break whilst I type and rest my back. Get back to it girl!
At this point all the logs have been removed from the road and now there are those that have been brought to the courtyard. Split and stack. After the rain the sun! It's hot again! I'm fading fast! Well done me and Claire. Good day working. It's satisfying to see logs stacked!
18h Will continue tomorrow.
Monday 22 September
It did seem surprising to me that I managed to clear the pile of logs, mostly alone in effectively about 8 to 10 hours and it did seem surprising to me that the initial pile did not look as much as last year... need to compare photos... but I have measured and it seems that I have 3.65 cubic metres of logs and not 6.00 cubic metres. It seems to me the man has charged 50e per square metre plus 40e perhaps to cut the 2 cords into thirds. In which case I am about 100 euros out of pocket!
In my other residence my former partner made a big song and dance one year of the measurements checking the space and the logs and verifying in a way not to embarrass the French supplier and neighbour ... and after that we were never supplied short measure.
I think that I have been short measured!
TODAY I have measured the existing logs bought in 2013 including those I bought from my friend when he sold his house and I have 10 steres.
Making a visual comparison of the section that measures 5.70 sq metres and the amount I have just stacked accounting for the smaller logs I have put elsewhere as there wasn't sufficient space, it is my opinion I have been definitely been short measured!
I'm not sure what I can do. I think nothing, but next time, I need to make clear with big gestures and the tape measure that the space I wish to fill measures six square metres!!!
THAT would indicate I know what I am talking about!!!!!!