Tuesday 29 May 2012

The bathroom saga

I feel so sad ..... HE REALLY HAS done his best to work at the plumbing problem (a leak) on the bath tap that also operates the shower! He is by no means incompetent and has years of experience as a builder and as a plumber / electrician and you name it, he can do it, and problem solve and find a way and help those who do not have his skills.  He is a serious builder (in France that means professional). He is a perfectionist and I love him for that even though he accepts he is not perfect and because I am not perfect........ well, we won't go own that road!!!!!!!! He is very conscientious and I do not believe this is his fault but he is very depressed, downhearted, and tired of course.
I can vouchsafe for his work. His workmanship at my previous property was outstanding. I loved it and regret leaving that house but if I had stayed there I would not be here, where I am today...... somewhere very, very special, even it at times it is tough being single .......
He even created his own terrace and verandah using old oak beams for posts and beams, wearing himself out doing so, but he now enjoys he warmth that this conservatory on the front of the house gives to the rest of the idyllic pretty cottage and so does Big Feet, his beautiful poly-pawed cat! Yes, more than the normal amount of claws on each foot and tortoiseshell too.  I love her.
In the bathroom, the tap module needs to be plumbed "traverser le cloissoné", that is, the pipes have to go through the stud work wall, where plumbing pipes to the shower are concealed.  It's such a wonderful idea and normal in luxury hotels.  But French plumbing parts as well as a lot of his own plumbing parts have defeated him... well not quite.   We bought new parts and followed the advice of the LeroyMerlin assistant, even though my friend was confident that what we needed was correct, I wanted it confirmed and so it was!  When he tried to repair the leak.......to cut a long story short.... the rubber washer which was supplied got itself sucked into the connecting brass joint and so there was a different leak and so we tried a red fibre washer which fragmented and also got sucked into the joint. This fact was only discovered after about 4 hours of disconnecting and connecting and turning stop cocks on and off!  Never in his career as he ever seen such events!!!!!!!!  So now he will try to obtain a different joint and try again.  I am past caring about how much it costs... just let me have that bath again!!!!! Looks like I will have to wait a while for the shower party!
Meanwhile, here's a photo of my bathroom ready for the electrician who hopefully will arrive tomorrow for final fix; to fit the extraction fan, 3 spotlights, towel rail, wall switch, shaver socket, wall light.  I have this sneaking suspicion he will not have all of that which I need despite the fact that I have emailed him with photos and details.
It's just to tease you!!! Cardboard to protect the ceramic and glass! Awaiting the  bath screen too!!!!!!

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