I slept in The Annexe last night. It was so warm I remember wriggling out from under the duvet!!!!! I awoke at a very reasonable hour bearing in mind that shutters on the doors and windows keep the room dark, but I could feel a chink of light waking the day! After breakfast, minor tasks and lighting a fire, I sat with a hot chocolate drink and a small piece of chocolate with fleurs du sel (my favourite!) and started to record government pension net payment dates and state pension gross payment dates even though I have a list somewhere else, backdating for several years.....it's now in one book!!!! Next is to work out how much tax I have paid in UK and France over the years because UK say I owe them!!!!! Drafting letters and checking how to get the tax forms filled is tedious.
After a small salmon and pasta lunch, I chose to drive to a local village event where there was to be Poitou-Limoges dancing. I think it's wonderful that boys and girls are being taught confidence to publically demonstrate their regional heritage. So many establishments in England never celebrate May day or country dancing. Our school used to have country dancing at the school fete, but it was always only two of the four classes. Shame! Still all children could dance when they were in those classes.
I looked at the dam on the River Gartempe and took note that
here was another place where I could come for a picnic and listen to the
rush of water over the weir ... as my tidal water replacement
Now for my surprise which is why I drove half an hour from my village!!!!! Here were the
Hook Eagle Morris Men Dancers... all the way from England..... Ooooh, so nice to have some British culture! I think I am experiencing a drought in my own culture, when in the last 7 years I haven't really missed even a can of baked beans ... though proper jacket potatoes I have most definitely missed!!!! The group was amazingly fun and the very, very tall chap I spoke to afterwards was absolutely charming! I was reminded of where I used to live where one Christmas, the
Molly Men, danced in the street fair whilst we smelt the chestnuts roasting. Yes...I am missing aspects of English heritage more and more!
BUT the French life and afternoon is and was so unpretentious...lots of elderly, older than me, sitting under the marquees having eaten a fine lunch, now to be entertained by dancing and music....no bawdiness, no drunks, very few young children, no babies, all quite calm, people speaking French and English and did I hear some Belgian or German accents?.... I like the internationalism of communities. It is important though for cultures to celebrate themselves and not to lose their identities and heritage. How fun to share and swap cultural differences. I love that.
Now for some photos:
He's taking a snapshot of dancers on stage between us when I have long range discrete zoom! |
The style reminds me of hedgehogs and story fantasy. |
Isn't he wonderful!!! |
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