Monday 22 September 2014

Stuck to Unstuck

Yesterday, there was a quiet, calm, atmosphere to the day as people passed to and from the brocante.  One could drop a pin and hear it! I couldn't raise energy/motivation to set out a stall in the courtyard, let alone get the stuff to 'le champ de foire' although camaraderie and activity would have been found there.
Willingness to do anything seemed at a low ebb.  However, it's quite interesting to mull over matters, whilst watching people walk past the gap which is my open gates onto the roadway.  Some people stop and look. A child stopped and pointed. There is nothing to point at!  Ah... maybe the little bird up on high; someone else showed their child the little bird by making a pointed shape with their hands to represent the lucarne.  Yes, it is a theme that I wish for more of!  My little bird.
Later. After a siesta, feeling less tired, I walked to the brocante and spoke to a Scottish CCC couple which was nice, and the brocante man who will sell at Ford in UK near to where my son lives, and I spoke to a female resident because I made comments on her attire... always so French and always so chic! it gave me pleasure!
Then the storm and rain began whilst I spoke to two friends... and yes, I know I am challenging... does that mean demanding?  Big Feet is demanding in that grouchy 13 year old cat way!...
The woodburner is alight and I love the warmth it has given to my living area!
I feel like Phoenix arisen from an almost death yet know I am alive!
That's a bit dramatic! 
The moon cycles and negativity wanes.  I feel stronger!
Maybe it was all that cycling, driving and moving lots of logs as well as draining family issues!

1 comment:

  1. We popped to the brocante for a short time. By the time we arrived we should already have been elsewhere!!
    I bought a nice hand painted plate from a British man who was selling up in order to return to the UK.
    I think tiredness builds up. I'm feeling the same although haven't even had the physical activity you've had with cycling and log stacking!


It would be lovely to hear what you think.