Wednesday 21 January 2015


I have been here before!  I think these might be ancient maize storage cages during the harvesting process or as storage for cattle fodder.., no doubt someone will inform my enquiry!!
Difficult to see in the pic but wooden stakes mark the ditch so that farm vehicles do not 'plough on' into the dyke! These were in the opposite direction to the rusty cages.  I love driving in open country... was making my way back onto the route from which I had accidentally deviated...
which reminds me of the story of my life! 


  1. Yes, for drying cobs of corn. Not that old -- 50 years max, since widespread growing of maize is a post WWII thing.

  2. I am not surprised that some one knew this a -maizing fact! Thank you Susan, a fount of all knowledge...what she doesn't know she will unearth! Thank you for the verification!

  3. Chicken wire was invented & mass produced by Boulton & Paul of Norwich. Shipment to Australia for the rabbit proof fences. Remember the film? Sad truth.


It would be lovely to hear what you think.