Saturday 28 March 2015

So Proud

This evening after a day of cleaning, clearing, walking around house and garden, putting stuff into its rightful place, I just walked at apx 4 km per hour or maybe slightly less... the fastest for this route along 'the vineyards of Remerle", down the ravine of "The American Way" along the water's edge, up the stony cobbled way of La Cueille, where once rain was allowed to cascade down the hill for women to wash the linen-o, to home without stopping for anything, nor passing a soul!  It was 45 minutes door to door! Quickly recuperating an easy breathing rate but sweating on account of so many wintry layers, the glass of red and a bath was heaven!
So proud knowing that I am not fit.
BUT WHAT I DO KNOW is that at 1. 50e per day for supplements I am beginning to be back in touch with that former dynamic self. Watch this space.

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