Sunday, 5 April 2020

Day 20: Lockdown in France - a. bubble of isolation

Sunday 5 April 2020  Day 20 but I write on Saturday 4th  Day 19 for Friday 3rd April which was Day 18..

I think the effects of Days Passing without calendar agenda is having an effect on my postings and Days of Confinement marrying!!!!!... however, in my defence, posting and editing sometimes takes me time and effort. Not as fast as I used to be ....  plus there are more things to life.  BANISHMENT OF HELPFUL or UNHELPFUL thoughts is required!

I hope that yesterday was the last of several days of trying to process LIFE in France in my isolated bubble.
A blue bubble balloon, sky blue, which was ready to burst and end its life but not mine.  I persevere.
Mercifully, it became deflated by news media overload of information and stories of life, death, science, medical, political, governmental information concerning the VIRUS pandemic, the loss of hope and the gaining of hope and my worry and concern about many people who I have not yet contacetd but some of whom have contacted me.... to see if I am coping and alive.  Hey ho!

I am TRYING TO pump air into my solitary blue bubble balloon to increase its buoyancy in the wind, whilst anchored to my house and garden.

It really helped a few days ago when the instigator of a French Amity Language Group that I joined just before Christmas sent me a funny video where a dog was copying moving yogic moved....and a hilarious "Bonnie and Clyde" style pic of themselves in home-made masks.  I don't have permission to publish. She is unwell for other reasons so I admire her tenacity for humour.

I dont get enough play time and  humour... but the accordion is suggesting that I open the box.
Thing is: I dont like playing on my own.

Recently, I did 30 minutes practice in front of 'an old friend' who made no mention of the new accordion or the playing, which was not good at the time. I  can't remember if much later he made some comment but if he did it was without grace and politesse as was most of the visit.
The weekend was like a fog,  as I processed this person and what I thought we meant to each other sone 23 years ago and 15 yeasrs ago, in these 3 days that had been granted to WORK an clear old stuff and junk to Emmaus and the decheterie. That which is left is for me to dispose of.
Hey ho indeed!!!!!!

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